PM dismisses 'multi-billionaire' Taib claim
The rest of his wealth is simply a mirage and the people of Sarawak are suffering from mass delusions if they claim that Taib is a billionaire. He is poor, just like the vast majority of them.
It is statements like this that prove what a shallow and deceitful person Najib is. All of his false promises and grand slogans are nothing but a smokescreen to perpetuate endemic corruption and abuse of power which Umno-BN revere like an article of faith.
If Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor are already the leaders of extravagance and wastage, what can one expect from Taib and family.
Some idiotic Umno/PBB supporters argue that as leaders they are entitled to a life of luxury and style. Very rich, given that 70 percent of poor households in this country are Malays.
In Sarawak, the natives were probably better off under the White Rajahs than they now are under the White Hair.
Anonymous_3f7d: The Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) report is well-researched and backed up with valid sources and Najib dismissed it just like that? It goes to show how credible our leaders are.
LittleGiant: The PM's response to the claims by BMF is mind-boggling and simply shocking.
An international NGO claims that a state (Sarawak) chief minister and his family have amassed wealth to the tune of US$21 billion with a detailed report to substantiate its claim. And here we have a PM who is extremely cool about it and thinks it's just an allegation.
Even if it is just an allegation, isn't it an extremely serious one, made against a state chief minister? Isn't it the responsibility of the government to find out if the claims made by BMF are true?
What if this sort of claim has been made against an opposition politician and the amount involved is just a small fraction of US$21 billion?
The BN government would have mobilised its entire machinery to sensationalise the claim to the maximum by making hundreds of police reports, the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) would be working with lightning speed to catch the 'culprit' and the attorney-general would be already on his way to the courts to file charges.
Starr: This is the biggest joke of the century - to dismiss the allegations that Taib Mahmud has amassed billions of ringgit through an extensive network of family companies and trusts across the globe.
Is it the kind of 'change' Najib is talking about? What change? Everything is business as usual.
Najib must have taken Sarawakians as fools. How can he lie to them after praising them as "equal partners"? Equal partners in crime, perhaps?
Louis: Najib, are you simply blind and deaf that you can't see what we see and cannot hear what we hear? This man's wealth is beyond the dream of any ordinary man and yet you choose not to believe.
Just say that you are afraid to lose the election and you gain more respect in doing so than denying the obvious.
Doc: I don't see the problem of Taib being a billionaire. The reality of the situation is that the Sarawakians are going to vote him and his party back into power after GE13.
Taib will deliver the votes for BN to retain power, and in turn Najib and BN will give Taib and family a free hand to plunder Sarawak.
Ruben: The BN government is so full of contradictions and hypocrisy. Whilst the full weight of the law is being brought to bear on human rights group Suaram for receiving foreign funds, a detailed report on Taib is blatantly ignored.
Kim Quek: Being PM, Najib is privy to stacks of documentary evidence of Taib's abuse of power and corruption submitted to the MACC at various times. So Najib is in effect committing the crime of abetment when he dismissed the allegations against Taib.
Will the MACC now open a file on Najib also, following its earlier claim that it had commenced investigation on Taib.
The mainstream media has so far blacked out the explosive Brussels launching of Bruno Manser Fund's detailed report on Taib's corruption; will it now at least give space to Najib's denial of Taib's corruption?
James1067: US$20 billion with documented evidence, plundered from every race of Sarawak and what a statement we get from the PM who took an oath before God to protect the people.
Well, it is alright to be corrupted but make sure you are powerful enough that nobody can touch you - that seems to be the message for the country and our future generation.
Odin: Najib, two years ago, you promised Sarawakians that Taib would step down. We heard that the latter would vacate his position in two years' time from then.
Now it does not only look like Taib will stay on, but you even dismiss the announcement of his astronomical ill-gotten loots as reflected in incontrovertible evidence submitted to the MACC.
This means that the MACC will not investigate. Surely, all this means that Taib has given tens, if not hundreds, of millions to you.
You do not care about the hundreds of thousands of Sarawakians who are living below the poverty line and struggling daily to feed themselves while Taib keeps on squeezing them of everything they have.
I curse you both for seven times seven times seven generations. I repeat, I curse you both for seven times seven times seven generations.
FellowMalaysian: Asking Najib to owe up to Taib Mahmud's excesses and to attest to BMF's claim that Taib is the richest man in the country is like waiting for the cows to come home.
Lest to say that Najib himself does not have moral high grounds to flay others as news of his profligate ways and indulgences has been swirling around.
WiseManSays: Malaysians, young and old, need to speak up for what they think is right or wrong if they love this country. There are many ways to speak up.
For example, I have stopped subscribing to newspapers that I think are working with evil intentions. Stop attending functions organised to glorify the crooks. Talk to fellow Malaysians on how to save this country.
Anonymous #58437020: Malaysian women love Birkin bags and the Taib women, especially the very young ones, have the ‘mostest' of them.
Realis: At least, a bumiputera has become the richest man in Malaysia.
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