Saturday 26 May 2012

Umno thuggery needs no directive

YOURSAY 'It's unnecessary once you have created this poisonous political atmosphere, this ‘anything it takes to maintain power' attitude.'

KJ: No directive to disrupt opposition ceramah

your say2cts Worth: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, don't take us for fools.

You say the police should do this and should do that, all "shoulds" and no action. If the police had done the necessary before the ceramah, all would have been prevented. The police were nowhere in sight during the fracas.

Instead as in the past such events, the police only escorted the speakers out of the troubled areas, when they really should have escorted the troublemakers to jail.

They are obviously in cahoots together to stop the opposition speakers.

Hang Babeuf: No directive? Of course not. None is necessary.

You don't need to issue any. It's unnecessary once you have created this poisonous political atmosphere, this climate of permissible thuggery, this "anything that it takes to maintain our power is right" attitude.

So Khairy's denial is meaningless. True perhaps, but useless. Of course he would say that. And he might well feel entitled to say so. It's called ‘plausible deniability'.

All desperate political players driven to recourse to thuggery have to maintain that. It's the deceptive figleaf of spurious honourability, the pretence of respecting the law and democratic ethics.

Headhunter: Who but Umno encourages and gets involved in this type of thuggery? Give credit to the opposition and the public that they have not retaliated to this ‘samseng' culture.

Prime Minister Najib Razak and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein must be disappointed that their provocation doesn't work, just like their sex, religious and racial provocations.

It looks like the public has more common sense than these brainless morons. As for the police, what else can one say about them?

Free and Fair Election: You can categorically deny what you like, Khairy, but it seems to me that your monkeys are the ones instigating and provoking the peaceful opposition ceramah.

Besides, Hishammuddin and Najib have already in their own words said that they are prepared to defend Putrajaya at whatever cost.

Confused: Firstly, even if there is a directive from Umno, it will be from the top and who is Khairy to know? Secondly, even if Khairy is aware of the directive, would Khairy admit it openly to the media?

ACR: I dare say Khairy is not in the inner circle of Umno to confirm whether directives were issued or not.

Just like the butt hooligans who masqueraded as army veterans outside Bersih co-chair S Ambiga's house have been traced to Rela members under the home minister's purview, these attacks are well-coordinated using similar tactics of throwing stones, eggs and water bottles.

Umno may want to portray incidents like this as Malays being unhappy with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, but till the day thugs like the Sekinchan Ikan Bakar owner can manage to draw 100-200 loafers for his protests and not thousands of Malays, we could safely conclude that Umno's so-called Malay support and support from the silent majority are fairy tales. Keep dreaming.

Anonymous #06500451: Khairy, the Bersih committee is being sued by the government although there was no directive from Bersih to breach the barricade as well as damage the police car.

Only in Malaysia do we see that the police never take any action against violence by BN and Umno thugs; but if those had been Pakatan supporters, do you think the police would still stand by and watch and do nothing?

The Time Is Now, Get Ready: The problem is that Malaysiakini does not report the news accurately. They do not tell you of the PKR supporters throwing and starting the violence, but show one side and report only one side.

So why blame the mainstream media? They do better than Malaysiakini by at least mentioning more details.

Anonymous #99108469: The fact that violence disruptions only happen whenever the opposition holds an event or ceramah and the similar modus operandi of the thugs involved speak volumes, and the rakyat are able to judge for themselves.

No matter how some might deny their involvement, everything is becoming too obvious and the people will not be fooled. We condemn this violence and will act accordingly in the coming GE.

Sic It: Where are the PM, home minister and the IGP (inspector-general of police) on this matter? They have been painfully quiet.

GoneBananas: Yes, Khairy, and I can categorically state that you have reduced yourself to the status of an apologist for all of Umno's crimes against common decency - albeit a very well-dressed one with a posh imported accent.

Kosongcafe: Any independent police chief worth his salt would have ensured police presence to discourage such lawless behaviour, especially with the spate of recurring attacks.

The irony of it is that we have no doubt of the presence of Special Branch and other personnel wherever there are opposition ceramah, but with reports of assault and resulting injuries, such police personnel were no where to be found.

Mahindar Singh: This is really sad, these thugs injuring kids and the elderly. What is wrong with these people and who are these people who seem to get away with all kinds of criminal acts?

Injuring a young girl is a despicable act. If the authorities do not take serious action, it implies that it has the tacit approval of those higher-ups.

The more these acts continue, the more it will make the rakyat determined to make the rule of BN come to a speedy end because most of the majority do not accept these kinds of 'kurang ajar' behaviour.

Anonymous_3f4a: There's no need for Khairy to deny, the rakyat can tell who these people causing disruptions at Pakatan's gatherings are. It's no rocket science to figure out who they are and who are behind them.

Even the deputy IGP has the audacity to say the thugs have violated laws and yet only selected Bersih 3.0 protesters are being prosecuted in courts.

Is it a pure coincidence or part of the Umno-BN's scheme of things to resort to such underhanded tactics to intimidate the opposition? Surely, it's not pure coincidence.

Raja Chulan: Today, Umno is unlike the one we had during the Tunku Abdul Rahman era.

Those were the days when Umno was loved for its services to the people. Today's Umno is Dr Mahathir Mohamad's Umno Baru.

Umno Baru's tools are cheating and inciting fear in the Malay mind. In order to win in any election, Umno Baru uses these two tools without shame.

The rakyat in general are now closing in on the cheating tool (for example, Bersih, the RCIs and other civic actions). Umno Baru is now hard pressed to use this tool that has secured them many previous electoral victories.

The other tool - i.e creating fear amongst the Malays - is therefore now being deployed more frequently in recent events. The fear of losing Putrajaya is making Umno desperate.

Umno appears to be behind all the recent mischiefs. Umno's dream would be a situation of racial unrest amongst the people so that a state of emergency could be declared to enable it to continue its rule minus any elections.

Let's not fall into this trap.

Armageddon: Umno members must be saying, if we cannot beat Pakatan in debates, let's beat them up with bricks and eggs.

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