Saturday 26 May 2012

Asrul touched by M'kini readers, CM offers help

Malaysiakini readers and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng are touched by Asrul's courage and determination to continue fighting for a clean and fair election.

The Bersih participant - Asrul Wadi Ahmad - who may be permanently blind from being hit by a tear-gas canister during the Apr 28 protest, is overcome by gratitude at the overwhelming support Malaysians have shown him in his hour of need.

NONEAsrul, 26, (left) says the kindness and support that the public has shown will motivate him to continue with the struggle for a better Malaysia.

"A million thanks to everyone for their caring and contribution from all Malaysians, regardless of race and religion," he told Malaysiakini.

"What I really hope for is that we all continue to rise up and fight together for the future of our country and for a Malaysia which could be much, much better," he added.

Asrul is also touched that Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had asked to see him yesterday, with two meeting at the latter's office on the 28th floor of Komtar, the state government's administrative centre.

Asrul said during the 20-minute meeting. Lim had said he would help the youth who hails from Kepala Batas secure a job.

"I am thankful that he was willing to meet me and my family is also very touched that he has offered to help me resolve some of my problems," he said.

‘Courage and conviction'

Asrul, who newly graduated as a mechanical engineer, lost his job in a well-known manufacturing company in Penang, after his eyes was seriously injured when a tear-gas canister shot directly into the crowd, hit him.

NONEAsrul, who was around the Masjid Jamek area with his family, collapsed in pain, bleeding profusely from his right eye.
He was rushed to a nearby hospital by concerned members of the public.

Asrul shared his plight at a press conference with human rights NGO Suaram in Penang on Thursday.

Malaysiakini readers were touched by his "courage and conviction" to continue fighting for the cause despite his injury that they have offered to help him financially.

During the press event, Asrul said youths have a responsibility to ensure that their country remains democratic.

He vowed never to give up his struggle despite his impending blindness, saying that he was prepared to participate in Bersih 4.0, if the rally was organised.

CM impressed with Asrul's resoluteness

Meanwhile, Lim when contacted confirmed the meeting and said he would try his best to help Asrul, who has shown great "courage and determination" in the face of much adversity.

Suaram board member, Ong Jing Cheng said he was happy to hear that the public was so supportive of Bersih's struggles and responded immediately with much kindness at the plight of the group's participant.

"It really shows how much support Malaysians have and how much they desire clean and fair elections," he added.

Medical doctor, Dr Khim Pa, who has been helping Asrul with his current condition said that Bersih has been helping him out with hospital fees, and the latter has met four doctors.

Dr Pa, who is actively involved in Penang's NGO network called Sembang-Sembang, said if Asrul's condition does not improve in six months, he may be certified "legally blind".

"The doctors have advised him to rest for now," he added. He also said that if he were find employment, the job must suit his condition.

For those who wish to contribute to Asrul's medical expenses, his bank account number is: MBB 157410057121, under the name Asrul Wadi Bin Ahmad.

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