“The total cost for FBC's 'Global Strategic Communications Proposal' came to US$5 million (RM15 million) in the first year alone in a campaign designed to last at least 3 years,” said Sarawak Report.
The website produced in full Friedman's cover letter for the contract dated Jan 20 with an outline of the strategy for the first year that encompasses the April state election.
The letter describes the campaign, “which would aim to illustrate to the most prestig(ious) international television, online, and print media platforms in a convincing and editorially credible manner your own leadership, the way you have transformed Sarawak, the benefits for the people of Sarawak, and your commitment to further growth, progress and sustainable development”.
“We would during the same period work between February and April to bounce back into the local press in Sarawak this international recognition, this bringing positive results as well for the people of Sarawak to see.
From May (after the state election) Friedman promises to “work both on the positive messages and to counter negative perceptions and falsehoods that have been spread unfairly about environmental matters ranging from the Bakun Dam to timber, mining and palm oil. We would also counter false allegations about corruption.”
What deforestation?
To illustrate, Sarawak Report describes some of the programmes that FBC had produced for its first RM15 million, such as 'Deforestation in Sarawak' for World Business that shows Taib and employees and “political allies” painting a rosy picture of the state's forests, claiming that 80 percent of of which has remained untouched.
“However, there was no mention of the years of desperate blockades which have been mounted by his own people against Taib's corrupt logging, or of the protests by numerous other native groups, who have been shoved out of their lands to make way for logging, dams and oil palm with no compensation or opportunity to profit,” said the website.
The contract also entails image spinning at world forums such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland.
“Defterios has long been president of FBC Media and is a director and Shareholder of the parent company FBC Group. He also acted as a Managing Editor of the World Business programme for CNBC, according to a recent version of the company's website,” says Sarawak Report.
The website also claims they have “established clear links” between FBC Media and a US blogger Josh Trevino, known for his attacks on opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and Sarawak Report.
'Money better spent on Malaysians'
Meanwhile the Selangor Menteri Besar's office expressed disbelief that RM60 million in taxpayers' money has been spent on FBC for spinning a positive image for the BN government abroad.
“We wonder why the federal government requires the services of a company that specialises in distorting the facts and truths for despotic regimes and/or rogue nations like Israel, Kazahkstan and Nigeria,” she said in a statement today.
“Perhaps Malaysians would enjoy better governance if the tens or hundreds of millions spent on foreign public relations companies is instead spent to clean up the electoral system, introduce more effective anti-corruption efforts, improve the lives of the less privileged communities and investing in public infrastructure development.”
Faekah said federal ministers were better off heeding the government's critics before making “baseless allegations” at the Selangor government that so far has proven to be unfounded and “malicious”.
Instead, she said, BN leaders should find a way to work together with the state government for the betterment of the state, free from politicking.
“(The Pakatan government) pledges to continue our development efforts that are people-oriented, without the need to pay excessive amounts for services of dubious public relations firms.”
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