Saturday 20 August 2011

11 cops 'molest' case still hanging after 7 years

Seven years after allegedly being molested by up to 11 police personnel, Wong Bee Fong, 39, is still awaiting action.

In fact, said Bee Fong, the police have failed to even answer if any investigation paper had been opened after lodging her report on her ordeal which has left her traumatised till today.

Instead, the accounts manager who spoke at a press conference called by her lawyer this morning, was investigated for allegedly obstructing the police from performing their duty.

Wong bee fong demonstrating how she was molested by policeBee Fong (right) said her nightmare began at about 1.55am when she was stopped at a traffic police roadblock near Taman Connaught in 2004, on suspicion of drink driving.

"I asked for my divers' licence back and for a fine to be issued but the officer, Johari Ismail, badge number 88147, refused to give it back to me and instead asked me for a bribe of RM3,000.

"I refused and he made me wait for about 15 minutes. I suspected something was amiss so I started driving towards the police station at Batu 9, Cheras," she said.
But before she reached her destination, a brown Proton Wira gave chase, forcing her to turn into the general operations force (PGA) building at Batu 9.

"The two guards shut the gates immediately to stop the pursuer from entering, but four men in police uniform alighted and entered the compound," she said.

'They laughed, I cried, screamed'

Soon, she said, there were about 11 uniformed police personnel, including Johari, banging on her window and windscreen demanding that she get out.
"They flashed their authority cards, but in a very quick manner that I could not read the cards. I was afraid that they could be impostors so I made a 999 call to ask that an inspector be sent to the scene," she said.

After a quick discussion with her employer, SP Chan, who was with her throughout the ordeal, Bee Fong decided to open the door thinking that the men would not ouch her in the absence of female personnel.

But the moment she started alighting, the men grabbed her and started to "feel her up".

"They were touching me everywhere. As a woman, my first reaction was to push them away and to tell them to stop. I was crying and screaming but they continued to molest me while laughing.

"This was until one Inspector Edward arrived and told them to back off, after which they still circled me and laughed," she said.

Man in white is wong bee fong's employer's driver sp chan who witnessed the assaultChan, (left in photo) also present this morning, said he was pushed away by the police and saw how "the police abused their power."

"There were so many of them and she only one woman," he said, while gesturing how his staff member was stopped from defending herself.

Bee Fong and Chan were later taken to Jalan Bandar, where a urine test conducted on the former showed positive.

Following that, she said she was taken to the Maluri police station, where she was made to sit at the counter.

"I don't know what for. What I remembered was that a female police personnel, without even knowing that had happened, asked Johari why he didn't just slap me since I was making so much noise (prior to arrest)," she said.

She was later taken to Batu 9, Cheras police station, where her statement was taken to investigate her for obstructing police duty.

Bee Fong and Chan, who was never investigated or questioned, was released at around 11am.

All the while, Bee Fong said she was refused access to the toilet, a phone call or to legal assistance.

Silence from the cops

Unhappy with how she was treated, she lodged a police report at the Batu 9 police station the next day and has followed up twice to see if an investigations were underway.

"The first time I went back to check, the officer who took my report said that the court will give me a call if any charges are to be laid, but I never heard anything. When I went back again, the police personnel just left me in a corner and did not attend to my query," she said.

She engaged Keppy Wong this month, when there was no headway gained with a previous counsel.

Keppy had on Aug 11 had written to Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail seeking information on the status of the case, and has yet to receive a reply.

"(Bee Fong) has a right to a reply and we want to know if the men involved will be charged," he said.

Bee Fong claims that ever since the incident, she has been terrified of the police, including female officers, and unable to go out at night.

"Even when I'm out with family members, I insist on returning home by nightfall. I am wary of interacting with male friends and have stopped wearing skirts, shorts and sleeveless shirts," she said.
Malaysiakini's attempts to contact the Kajang police division has thus far been unsuccessful.

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