Thursday 5 May 2011

Datuk T's contradictions begin to pile up

'A great liar will normally swear that he is telling nothing but the truth. There is a lot of inconsistencies in this filthy story. Everybody knows it.'

Eskay denies hiring woman in sex video

Singa Pura Pura: According to Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, he knew all along, for years, that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has been indulging in such activities. Implicit in all his statements is the very strong overtone that he has always been Anwar's 'heng-tai-in-crime' (partners-in-crime) - that he's the 'arranger' and the 'procurer'.

Yet, all these years, he had never felt the saintly urge to 'expose' Anwar's supposed indiscretions. Eskay would have us believe that he 'stumbled' upon a clandestine recording. It's all beginning to make sense now. How else could Eskay acquit himself of the filth in which he is an integral component?

To say that he arranged for that woman and that he secretly recorded Anwar would not be in consonance with the general flow of his story. To say that he was part of an evil conspiracy and that the recording was conjured up to fix Anwar would run counter to the pith and substance of the heinous plan itself.

What else could Eskay have said? Other than that he had accidentally stumbled upon the recording, and that in a lightning of divine visitation he saw the light of truth.
Cannon: This guy intends to take the fall for the production and screening of the sex tape. The game is to bring Anwar down with him by admitting he, Eskay, is the person behind the filming.

He was there in that room and the man on the bed is the accused. That will open the way for PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) to take action against both men, more importantly to convict Anwar.

The challenge for the authorities is, the identification of the actor is in doubt. PDRM have to find a way to make it stick that it's Anwar before they charge both men. Does this explain why the police is delaying action against Eskay?

Pants on Fire: He is proved to be a liar the moment he said he was not aware if the other two men (Rahim Thamby Chik and Shuib Lazim) were wearing bullet-proof vests. It's so obvious the three have worn the vests - all supplied by the cops. My God, he dares swear on the Quran in a mosque, and he lies blatantly now.

Anonymous_3ec6: Does the BN government issue bullet-proof vests to politicians? The government has brought such a shame to a noble religion, Islam, by using it for its politics. All truly religious Muslims should condemn this act of swearing in the mosque by these bunch of people wearing bullet-proof vests and bringing shame to our holy places of worship.

M'sia1st: As said by many, swearing, telling lies, sinning are but the norms for sinners and hypocrites. They don't feel it, they don't care if it is a grave sin or not, since they are sinners. A great liar will normally swear, without fear, that he is telling nothing but the truth.

There is a lot of inconsistencies and fabrications in this filthy story. Everybody knows it. Eskay has yet been prosecuted for committing a crime. He has been given VIP treatment and escorted by police to take the oath in the mosque. What else can you say about this government and the police?

Abil: Eskay, you are being manipulated to the extent of fabricating a video to resemble Anwar, as Anwar has become a threat to many in Umno. This strategy is evident when you said fitnah or not, it is the perception of the public that is important.

Mob1900: Soliciting a prostitute is an offence but it makes you wonder why PRDM as usual doesn't do anything when it comes to Umno minions. PRDM leaders should resign if they couldn't perform their duties. Instead they're embarking on a nationwide roadshow to influence the rakyat as if it is a BN component party.

PRDM, if you want to go into politics then quit using the badge as a pretext to 'politicide' real politicians. Stop using the rakyat's tax money to fund your dirty work for Umno.

FairMind: There is a sneaky collaboration between the PDRM and Eskay. Having no legal reason to test the DNA of the owner of the watch, now the police is using the guise of testing Eskay's DNA on the watch where actually they are fishing for the DNA of the real owner of the watch instead.

Then they can claim to the world that both Eskay and alleged owner's DNA are on the watch, thereby linking both of them together and as such, they were both in the video. Clever but not surprising, since the PDRM is the lapdog of Umno.

2CTS WORTH: As days go by, Anwar has proven his strength in character much to the chagrin of Umno and his enemies. He is right to refuse to swear on the holy book.

A person who is sure of himself and of creditable character need not swear. His 'yes' is a 'yes' and his 'no' is a 'no'. Doubtful, habitual lying scoundrels will swear but no one will believe them.

Changeagent: Eskay, since you swore on oath that you are the third person in the video, the onus is on you to explain why you were at the scene and what you were really doing there. It makes absolutely no sense at all why you would be involved other than the fact that you were the pimp.

'Syabas' to PDRM and Eskay for linking the Omega watch back to the latter. But when quizzed on how the watch is relevant to the case, it is fair to assume that the public are just as confused as Eskay. "I pun tak tahulah" sums up the general consensus rather appropriately.

DNA sample linked to Omega watch: Eskay

Mirror thyself: Umno, next time look for someone who is smarter and more intelligent to undertake these types of smearing projects. So far Umno's actors/actresses have failed miserably, and this has impacted Umno negatively among the general public.

Rayfire: Lies after lies does not alter our perception of the incident. It is wrong to show porn, you need to be answerable to that.

Since it didn't sink well with the people, you are dragging God into your stinky plan as well. You will ultimately be answerable to the Almighty. All the dollars and cents will not save you. Repent now.

Louis: A good spy must be very intelligent to tell lies so that are always consistent. And they try to talk as little as possible because the longer the story, the more flaws showed up.

In this case, your story is long and pathetically inconsistent. At first it was claimed that there was only one copy of the video and it had been surrendered to the police. All of a sudden, the recording surfaced on YouTube and lately even DVDs were available. Where did the extra recording come from?

The footage did not show the woman taking the watch, but you claimed to have seen her doing in the video. Then, your sole proprietorship of the recording was suddenly copyrighted in Thailand.

Quigonbond: Eskay is full of crap. He said he found the recording when he went searching for a watch. Now he says he's the third person in the video. After he showed the video at Carcosa Seri Negara, he said he was doing so because he wanted people to know why Anwar should not become PM. On top of that, he swore under Quran that the actor in the video is Anwar.

Now he is saying he did not accuse Anwar of being in the video, but the press did it! I'd believe a monkey anytime to Eskay.

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