Registrar of Societies (ROS) director Abdul Rahman Othman says human rights NGO Suaram has committed an offence by refusing to allow his officers to enter its office yesterday to carry out an investigation.

Abdul Rahman told Utusan Malaysia that ROS has the mandate to probe Suaram, which is not and had never tried to register itself as a society.

NONE"Four ROS officers and two policemen went to the Suaram office to perform an inspection, including to study relevant documents to assist in the investigation against the unregistered organisation.

"However the ROS team was forced to leave after about half-an-hour because Suaram refused to give cooperation and was attempting to provoke.

"The act of blocking public officers is wrong and action can be taken," Abdul Rahman is quoted as saying in the Umno-owned daily.
'Suaram should act professionally'

He vowed to continue with the investigation, despite potential hurdles.

"Suaram should act professionally, give space and be open in this issue. Blocking the investigation will raise the suspicion of the public.

"Today is the first day of investigation and it will continue," Abdul Rahman added.

According to Suaram, the ROS officers were at its office to hand over a form titled ‘Report to conduct inspection of an organisation'.

Among other things, the form required the NGO to give information on its activities. However Suaram's stand is that it is a company under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) and therefore does not come under the ROS.