YOURSAY 'Why are the judges so blind? As a woman, I feel so outraged. There was no doubt that rape took place, but the rapist was not caged up.'
Father of 13-year-old: What if it's your daughter?
What they have done instead is to give the impression that sex with minors can be tolerated and that pedophiles should try pushing their luck because the courts are sympathetic to them.
Anonymouse: Laws are meaningless if a clear and despicable offence is ignored. I feel sorry for the girl and her family.
If I were the father, I might just take that sorry excuse for a human out myself. What else can you do if you can't depend on the law?
I can bet if this happens, the law will punish the one who protects his family more than the one who destroys one. Such is the pathetic state of the Malaysian judiciary.
Chuath: When the judge(s) set an unlawful precedence, the people suffer and injustice perpetuated. The judge(s) should be dismissed for incompetence.
The punishment must befit the crime and the perpetrator, Chuah Guan Jiu, should be in jail. This is as though RM25,000 can buy back the childhood for the girl who was raped.
Haveacuppa: Irrespective of race or religion, the rapist should be given a jail sentence instead of a fine. These two statutory rape cases are setting a negative precedence for future cases.
Imraz Ikhbal: Only under the rule of corrupted regime will the offence of throwing a shoe at a judge be deemed more punishment worthy than rape.
Kgen: BN has led us into a moral cesspool where child rapists have more rights to a ‘bright future' than their victims. This is part of the degeneration and moral bankruptcy in the country under BN.
Anonymous_3e12: Why are the judges so blind? As a woman, I feel so outraged. There was no doubt that rape took place, but the rapist was not caged up.
What kind of message is the court sending out? That it's okay to rape? I hope they have daughters and when they are raped, see how they will react.
Geronimo: I wonder why MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek has not spoken out on these two cases. Maybe he is sharing the same thoughts as the judges, too.
Suhakam: Citing consent in rape cases worrying
Cannon: The defence of consent opens up a loophole. A person who has sex with a minor can later pay the victim off to coerce her to say it was with her consent in order for the accused to escape conviction.
I believe the decision defeats the intention of the law to provide minors strict protection and it undermines the purpose of the statutory rape law.
Anonymous #62163581: Judges, with these rulings you have changed the law on statutory rape - now your underage daughters, even 12 year olds, can say they "wanted it".
Why isn't anyone complaining? I haven't heard a squeak from all those virtuous 'protect Islam' groups.
Anonymous_3f68: Aggravated sexual assault with or without penetration, with or without consent with a child below 16 is liable to prolonged jail sentences in many countries and are deemed first degree sexual assaults.
But here in our country the justice system garlands the rapist and let him off with a reprieve.
Anonymous #19098644: The statutory rape law is meant to protect minors. The age of consent means that even if the minor consents, it is considered statutory rape.
Protecting underaged children is more important than protecting the future of the rapist. The BN has so badly subverted the judiciary that we have people without basic common sense sitting on the bench.
PAS Muslimat slams Najib over rape verdicts
HYL: Why has there not been even a word of condemnation from BN, except from some wannabes? Does this mean the BN condones child-rape in Malaysia?
I want to hear the opinion of BN leaders on this issue. Of course, MCA would not be able to say much as their president is also guilty of a past sex scandal. Oops, it seems like most of them are guilty of some sex scandal. Perhaps that explains the silence.
Anonymous #19098644: Malaysia is the only country we know of where the minister in charge of women's affairs is a man and also the PM.
It shows the BN is bankrupt of capable women MPs. Rapists are freed while those who throw shoes get one-year jail sentences. This is the BN form of justice.
2ctsworth: The women minister can't possibly know the trauma a woman feels after being raped. The physical torture is not the end of it all; ask PM Najib Razak how he would feel.
Onyourtoes: Good move, PAS. I think the time to talk is over. Public opinion must for once make the judiciary and the government capitulate to the moronic decisions that we have seen so often prevailing in this country.
For too long, despite whatever stupid decisions they have made, they have remained aloof and arrogant, giving you an impression that there is nothing the rakyat can do about it.
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