Saturday 22 September 2012

Nice words, but not good enough, Umno ― Othman Wahab

SEPT 22 ― Thank you to The Malaysian Insider for being upfront about the fact that Saifuddin Abdullah is a minority and that his views, no matter how enlightened, do not represent that which prevails in Umno.
In fact, let us not get carried away with nice words and intelligent discourse or even the occasional Oxford-speak. I only ask Malaysians to ponder about these questions.

1) Is Saifuddin Abdullah a deputy minister in Najib Razak’s government?

2) Is Saifuddin still a member of Umno and a supreme council member?

3) Has Umno become a party of corrupt politicians and protector of right wing politics, unrecognisable from the party helmed by Tunku Abdul Rahman?

4) Is Umno the political party that defended the abuse of government funds in the National Feedlot Centre and continues to laud Shahrizat Jalil as a leader? By the way, didn’t the so-called enlightened Khairy Jamaluddin defend the NFC?

5) Is Umno the political party that has been demonising the movement for free and fair elections (Bersih)?

6) Aren’t Umno and BN the players that usurped the power of the people to elect a government in Perak by the naked aggression and wanton disregard of convention and law?

7) Isn’t this the government that has been indecently spending tax payers’ money to buy votes?

8) Isn’t this the government that has turned the mainstream media into purveyors of falsehood and thrashed once proud institutions such as the judiciary?

The last time I checked, Saifuddin was still an Umno member and a deputy minister. Given that he is still colleagues with Shahrizat, Hishammuddin Hussein, Muhyiddin Yassin, Dr Chua Soi Lek and others, I dare to say that his words are just words.

You can’t talk reform and change and all that stuff, and still hang with the old crowd.

As long as you are in Umno/BN, you are as culpable as the rest for their long list of misdeeds.

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