Saturday 21 July 2012

Don't politicise crime stats, S'gor police chief tells MP

Selangor police chief Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah has urged Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching not to politicise crime statistics but instead work together with the police to reduce crime.

“Why are we so worried about statistics? Let us work together to reduce crime,” he said at a press conference at the Selangor police contingent headquarters in Shah Alam this morning.

He also pointed out that statistics could sometimes be misleading.

“If I were to give crime statistics - rape, for example - there are many people involved.

“But in actuality there are not many rape cases. What are plentiful are social ills such as statutory rape,” he said, adding that the appropriate response would then be to engage with schools to combat these social ills.

He was responding to reporters’ questions about Teo’s statement yesterday that even the Women’s Ministry could not obtain accurate crime statistics.

Selangor police chief DCP Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah 2She had revealed two separate parliamentary written replies quoting the police on domestic violence statistics in 2008. However, the responses in the 2009 and 2012 replies were contradictory.

Tun Hisan (left) pleaded ignorance about the contradictory figures and said Teo should refer it to the police officers who provided the statistics instead.

In the press conference, Tun Hisan also announced that seven suspects were arrested in a raid yesterday, and 308 pieces of stolen jewellery worth almost RM2 million were recovered.

The theft allegedly took place on July 18 at the KL International Airport (KLIA), while the victim, a businessperson from Hong Kong, was on her way to a jewellery exhibition.

Selangor police chief DCP Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah jewellery seized“For your information, KLIA is now equipped with almost 3,000 CCTV cameras. Many criminals don’t know and I want to announce this, don’t you dare (commit crimes) because we have strengthened the safety systems in KLIA,” he said.

A purported CCTV footage of the crime was also shown to the press, where one suspect was seen talking to the victim while an accomplice grabbed a bag containing the jewels from the victim’s trolley.

Tun Hisan said it took the victim about 18 minutes to realise she had been robbed as she was distracted.

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