The wife of ISA detainee Razali Kassan is said to have been paid a visit by police from Bukit Aman, who pressed her to withdraw her police report against Kamunting ISA detention centre staff.
The police told Nunurheni, an Indonesian national, that she may face issues with her visa renewal if she refused, GMI secretary Ahmad Syukri Ab Razab said at a protest organised by GMI in front of Masjid Negara this afternoon.
Nunurheni's visa expires in September. She has two children, who she will leave behind in the event she is deported.
The 36-year-old had made a police report against the Kamunting detention staff for mistreating, hitting and spitting on her husband on July 2.
Razali Kassan is on a hunger strike against the ISA, and he has been joined by eight other detainees.
His wife said Razali was admitted to a nearby hospital and beaten in an effort to convince him to abandon his hunger strike. Today is the 16th day of his hunger strike.
[More to follow]
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