Saturday 9 June 2012

Ministers setting bad example on WWW bids

It is sad that recently the government has just announced our meagre minimum wage requirement of RM900 per month, yet at the same time WWW1 license plate was bought for an ridiculous sum of RM520,000.

Imagine if one earns RM900 a month, that license plate price will equals to 48 years in salary terms.

While I guess it is fair that private citizens spend their money whichever way they like, it is rather inconsiderate for government servants (yes, servants) like Health Minister Liow Tong Lai and Minister in Prime Minister’s Office Nazri Aziz, who are amongst those who are paying exorbitant price just for a license plate.

What does that say about our country?

For one thing, it says a lot about the disparity of the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ in our country. It probably also explains a lot on the high rate of break-ins and snatch thefts in our country by those have-nots, looking for a quick gain, besides our poor police performance in curbing crime.

It is also very hard to explain how our public servants are able to match some of the tycoons in dishing out such large sums of money for a plastic plate. After all, ministers are not exactly drawing CEO salaries.

With inflation sky high, it is probably wise for all Malaysians to be prudent in their spending, yet some of our elected representatives feel that spending so much on a license plate is justifiable, forgetting it is the public who are really paying for their salaries.

It makes us wonder if we are paying them too much.

Not only that, it is also an extremely bad example of how one should handle the extra cash that we have.

The kind of money for some plastic plates would be better spent on some charity work that at least means something to those needing help, that would at least go a long way.

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