Saturday 5 May 2012

Forget the blame game, focus on Bersih 4.0

Everyone who attended the Bersih 3.0 rally last Saturday were there for national interests. The police will have their version of what is in their national interest, PKR leaders Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali will have their versions, and so does everyone else who have demonstrated under the banner of Bersih.

Unfortunately there are no independent arbitrators to define what is ‘national interest’ is at the moment. That was the main reason why Bersih managed to galvanise such huge support in a simple cry for "free and fair" elections.

We are where we are now because at some historical moment long ago a cunning prime minister call Dr Mahathir Mohamad went on a wholesale campaign to plant his "yes” men (literally) to all the top positions in the public institutions.

The rest is history; all the heads of government departments since then have just been marching to orders from Mahathir.

Back to Bersih 3.0, pointing fingers at particular individuals who breached the barricades last Saturday or the police who went on a rampage at this point will only generate more hatred amongst one another and intensify the tension.

We are stuck now because we do not have an independent arbitrator on this matter. Everyone had hoped that Najib could act responsibly on our behalf, for the sake of national interest to sack the EC top duo, and sincerely go through the process of meeting the demands of Bersih.

Unfortunately the strong arm tactics that were employed by the police and the FRU during the Bersih 3.0 rally showed that Najib is willing to defend PutraJaya till the last drop of Umno's blood.

The ball is now in the Bersih steering committee's court on what to do next. This is uncharted territory in Malaysia's political history. It is not that important to rate Bersih a success or a failure or to establish who did what, where and when.

We all know how the police and the government inquiries will end up. There is no independent arbitrator on this matter either. Even though Suhakam will come out with their conclusion, no action will be taken against the police. However action will undoubtedly be taken against the demonstrators.

Therefore we may as well move on. What's next is more crucial. Do we want to continue with Bersih 4.0 to agitate for change? If we do, how far are we willing to go? Does it have to end up like Tahrir Square in Egypt?

What have we learned from Bersih 3.0?

The Umno regime has successfully divided Bersih into two camps: those who support the barricade incident and those who do not. At the press conference by PKR, the leaders indicated that there were barricades open at other locations at Dataran Merdeka before the barricades were breached where Anwar and Azmin were located, but that does not matter because the strategy of discrediting PKR is considered a success by Umno.

It overshadowed the police brutality and in fact it justified it. In the eyes of the kampung folks who watched it on the mainstream media, that might translate to more votes for BN in the next general election.

The Bersih steering committee will do a post mortem to replot its strategies. I have faith that the Bersih steering committee will consider all avenues before we get to the Tahrir Square scenario.

This is where the power of the new media can help change the course of history. I would like to invite all Malaysians to brainstorm the kind of possible non-violent actions that we can do to avoid fatalities and have a peaceful change.

Give suggestions as if you are in the Bersih steering committee meeting. I would like to start with my two cents worth of suggestions.

1. Never hold any more Bersih rallies in a stadium. If Bersih 3.0 had been held at Stadium Merdeka as what the authorities had suggested, there would have been a massive stampede if the police fire tear gas and water cannons.

2. Play ball at the BN's court with their set of rules instead. Have Bersih 4.0 in all the crucial rural constituencies. Hold day-long field events, ie. workshops, dikir barat, wayang kulit, community theatre or information field day at these crucial constituencies. A simultaneous day of ‘Bersih 4.0 Balik Kampung day’ at all these rural areas.

3. Can we approach the agong to do something about election fraud? I am not a constitution law expert therefore I am not sure.

4. If Najib’s administration still refuses to budge before the next GE, then it is to the national interest for Bersih to make a stand on which side they would choose in the election. Bersih can make it clear that it is in the national interest that we seek a change in government for this process of democratisation to happen.

If the opposition does get to form the next government, Bersih will have to make sure that all the top administrative positions in the public institutions be independent and able to spearhead the nation to a full fledged democracy.

Salam Bersih!


    Dear Devotees into the Dhamma,
    I sincerely shall use the language to make publicly the bitter experience that actually has happened in the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION NO: 19-21 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
    I am not satisfied with the Gombak MCA Division chairman (Yip Kum Fook) and the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSSOCIATION chairman (Yip Kum Fook) because he used vicious and arrogant means in bringing in a group of individuals from other places to provoke and trample the sacred ground and without any sound reason called in the police to forcefully detain the monk so as to humiliate worshippers of Buddhism.
    I strongly would like to ask here that what great sin and crimes had he committed to the extent of you Yip Kum Fook lawyer by means or by crooks called in the police to detain a monk like him?
    I came from Penang, I was a newcomer and I temporarily put up at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION to study and learn to practice Buddhism. While at the temple, I could not bear with the way Yip Kum Fook lawyer behaved, your uncourteous, arrogant and unexcelled attitude in treating the Temple abbot.
    Because I said a few words about your behavior to you Yip Kum Fook, you resorted to such dirty means to hurt a monk. It is indeed unacceptable and cast a very bad example.
    For a school principal, if his and her student has committed an offence, the police must as a matter of courtesy meet up with the principal, try to understand the actual situation, before the police take any actions. This is the usual practice.
    But it is sorry to say, that Yip kum Fook lawyer who himself is a lawyer chose to have done. Otherwise, he did not act in accordance with the teaching of Buddhism and looked down on the spirit of Buddhism for the sole purpose of showing off that he is the powerful chairman of MCA Gombak Division and the chairman of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He demanded the police to detain the monk so as to realize his motive.
    It is very fortunate that due to the fact that religion itself is a sensitive matter, even the Malay policemen understood and respected the religion, culture and customs of other communities, so they did not rush into taking any actions. Otherwise, the consequences would be catastrophic.
    I understand why Yip Kum Fook lawyer was furious and flared up. The main reason is as follows. The abbot of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He has been the abbot for 20 years. He was the architect and played the pivotal in raising fund the public to build up the Temple.
    Continued next………

  2. 这些讯息牵涉毁谤事件,已交由警方和MCMC调查中。任何人都无须再把这种诬告和人格谋杀的假讯息在網上传发,以免把自己牵涉在这案件中,给自己带来不便。



    Samnak Sambodhi Desa Jaya

    Kindly take notice that reports have been lodged with the Royal Malaysia Police and the Malaysia Communications And Multimedia Commission(MCMC) on 28/7/2012 and 13/8/2012 respectively to investigate the bloggers for criminal defamation without prejudice the right of the Victims to file legal proceedings against the bloggers concern.
    Kindly restraint from publishing and/or transmitting such false and malicious allegation to avoid legal proceedings both criminal and civil.

    Samnak Sambodhi Desa Jaya

    Protes Selamatkan Padang UKRC_ Kuala Ampang dan datuk yip kum fook menyeleweng!

    Saudara-saudara dan Saudari-saudari Yang Di Hormati Bahawa MCA Gombak pegurusi YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya Yip Jiun Hann (Permuda MCA Gombak) bukan sahaja menggunakan kuasanya menghisap wang KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tetapi lebih dahsyat, ialah menipu wanita-wanita dan merosakan keluarga orang lain. Mereka sebenar-benarnya orang yang jahat dan tak bermoral Saya mengemukakan kesal yang benar ini, tujuan ialah harap orang ramai, khasnya wanita dapat mengambil perhatian supaya jangan terjerat oleh manis-manis mulutnya akhir akan meninpa kerugian dan kesakitan yang besar

    马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师与马华公会鹅唛區会叶君瀚青年圑長, 不但无耻的利用KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.宗教之名捞取权和私利之外, 叧一大罪悪是, 他们仗着权势, 甜言蜜語, 誘骗良家少女, 骗财骗色, 三妻四妾, 破坏别人的家庭. 父子两人, 无悪不做, 实是大色狼, 大老千,缺德的败娄. 今天我把实事公告大家, 是希望公众, 特别是良家少女, 要多多小心, 提防这一娄假面具的佛教徒, 以免一失足成千古恨.

    Brother And Sister Of the respectfully That YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak chairman and his son Yip Jiun Hann (Youth MCA Gombak) they are not only used of power to suck Temple's money of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But far worse, they are cheating women and make people family broken. They truly wicked and immoral Bring forward. I ... From: yuli visootsee Views: 7 0 ratings Time: 03:18 More in People & Blogs
