Sunday 15 April 2012

Students defy quit order, staying on at Dataran

Some 30 students who have dug in at Dataran Merdeka since yesterday, are determined to stand their ground despite being instructed to leave by a Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) official.

NONETen DBKL officials and five policemen showed up in the late morning to confront the sit-in.

DBKL assistant enforcement official Zawaye Desan met the students at around noon today and instructed them to clear their things to make way for a royal concert tonight.

“Under the Dataran Merdeka by-laws, no-one is allowed to erect structures at the place without the consent of the mayor,” he told the students.

However, the students reached a consensus 10 minutes later to continue their sit-in until their demands are heard.

NONE“We won’t retreat. If you want to confiscate our things and chase us out, that’s up to you.

“We will still come back tonight,” said one of the student leaders, Adam Adli Abd Halim (left).

Upon the insistence of the police, the protesters dismantled four of their tents at around noon but have refused to budge further.

The students stayed on after the rally yesterday where some 500 university students marched through Kuala Lumpur from Masjid Jamek LRT station, through Jalan Raja Laut to Dataran Merdeka.

The protesters are demanding the abolition of the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN), a national scholarship scheme which they deemed exploitative.

DBKL flexes muscle

At 1pm, two DBKL officials moved in to ask the students to vacate the premises.
The order prompted PKR Youth strategic director Zaki Amani, who had just arrived at the scene, to come to the students’ defence, arguing that DBKL cannot use its by-laws to overrule the rights of assembly as enshrined in the constitution.

Student protest Dataran MerdekaThe students responded chanting loudly, "Students power," and, "Long live the students."

The standoff dragged on until 2pm, when Zawaye walked in to issue an ultimatum for the students to dismantle all structures in 15 minutes. He repeated the order at 2.15pm.

About half an hour later, DBKL officials forcibly began removing the tents, sparking loud chants from the students who remained steadfast inside their tents.

"We reject PTPTN, we want free education! Free, free, free to knowledge," they shouted.

PTPTN dataran sit in by studentsThey then put their tents back in place, prompting DBKL to extend them another hour to comply.
Meanwhile, PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub, who arrived at the scene at 3.15pm, told reporters that he will move an emergency motion tomorrow in Parliament to debate the matter.

"This is a request from the students. The government should respond to them," he said.
And as the most recent deadline from DBKL expired at 4pm, the student protesters have formed a human wall around their tents.

Force used

About an hour later, The authorities finally used force to break into the human wall to remove the tents.

dataran sit in PTPTN.A ruckus erupted, followed by pulling and pushing between the DBKL officials and the students, who shouted: "Don't push, don't push".

The officials managed to dismantle all the four remaining tents and confiscated one; the students responded by bringing another damaged tent to the authorities.

"You want it so much. Then take it!" they said, while continuing their sit-in.

Two students claimed they were assaulted by the DBKL men during the scuffle. They vowed to report the matter to the police tomorrow.

Meanwhile, activist Fahmi Reza, whose grassroots assembly movement ‘Occupy Dataran' is in solidarity with the students, said they plan to hold discussions every night at the venue until they reach a resolution on the best alternative to replace the PTPTN.

By 5pm the students had marked 24 hours of resistance at the iconic square and the way things are going, their struggle does not look like it will conclude anytime soon.

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