Tuesday 17 April 2012

Four students in Dataran sit-in injured in DBKL scuffle

Several students on the third day of a sit-in at Dataran Merdeka allegedly suffered light injuries during a scuffle when Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers confiscated their tent this morning.

NONEThe incident allegedly took place at 10.15am, when about 30 DBKL officers confronted about 12 students in an attempt to tear down the one tent that was present at the time.

In the scuffle that ensued, four students were allegedly assaulted.

“One (student sustained) a scratch, while (three) others like myself were punched,” said Mohd Syahid Mohd Zaini, chairperson of one of the protest's organisers Malaysia Bangkit

He said that he was punched on the left of his chest, while Alif Asyraf was allegedly dragged around in a chokehold and was also kicked had suffered scratches as a result (above).
On Saturday some 30 students set up camp at Dataran Merdeka at the end of a rally protesting the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loan.

They vowed to continue their sit-in protest until the authorities respond to their grievances, failing which they plan to stay put until the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28.

Several students allegedly suffered light injuries during the third day of a sit-in at Dataran Merdeka when city hall officers confiscated their tent this morning.

At around 12.50pm, the students erected two tents, prompting at least 10 DBKL officers to emerge from their vehicles parked nearby and confront the students.

Two DBKL officers, identified as Nayan and Nordin, told the students that they could not erect any structure in Kuala Lumpur without a permit, and instructed them to apply for it at the city hall headquarters nearby.

The students then complied with the instruction and are awaiting response from the authorities.

NONEHowever, when asked by reporters about the alleged scuffle, Nordin (right) denied it took place:
Reporter: “Just now your driver beat...”

Nordin: “No beatings.”

Reporter: “Really? It’s on video.”

Nordin: “Don’t... don’t provoke. Don’t provoke.”

Reporter: “Sure?”

Nordin: “Sure.”

Reporter: “If it goes on YouTube?”

Nordin: “We shall see.”

NONESoon after, Batu MP Chua Tian Chang, who is popularly known as Tian Chua (left in photo), arrived to show his solidarity with the students, who had been occupying the northeastern corner of Dataran Merdeka in shifts since Saturday evening.

He said the students had been assembling peacefully and were not disruptive, thus he cautioned the authorities against using violence.

“I hope DBKL and the police would respect their rights and that the authorities would discuss and consider their claims,” he added.

At a press conference later, Syahid asserted that it was the students’ right to assemble under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, and expressed disappointment in the prime minister’s lack of response to their plight.

As such, he said, the students will attempt to hand a memorandum to the Agong, in conjunction with a royal concert to be held at the square from tomorrow until April 21.

“We will continue to camp on Dataran and wait for the King’s arrival to hand over a memorandum demanding free education and for PTPTN’s abolition. This is because of the government’s negative response to our demands,” he said.

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