Tuesday 17 April 2012

Are Christians a threat or a blessing?

Why are Christians regarded as a "threat" by some Muslims, not only by extremists like Hasan Ali but even by the Johore Education department which is under the Minister of Education, Muhyiddin Yassin?

Are the Muslims (including Najib), who studied in many Christian mission schools established by the sacrifice and generosity of the Christian churches, being threatened or did they benefit from the wholesome quality education?

Are the Muslims, who seek treatment in a number of hospitals run by Christian missions, being threatened or did they receive the healing touch of the medical and nursing staff?

Are the Muslims with dadah addiction, who are being rehabilitated in Christian Drug Rehabilitation centres, being threatened or did they receive freedom from their addition?

Are the Muslim HIV patients who received treatment in Christian homes, being threatened or did they receive compassion and treatment for their deadly disease?

Are the divorced or widowed Muslim women, who received financial aid from Christian social organizations being threatened or did they receive useful support for their family?

After all Christians are obeying the command given by Jesus Christ (called Isa Al-Masih by Muslims) to "love our neighbours as ourselves", regardless of race or creed.

Christians should not prevent anyone from receiving their assistance.

Some years ago, Marina Mahathir said that "victims" are not concerned about which religion is helping them as long as the organisation provides the assistance to their needs.

It is possible that some of them are so touched by the compassion and care shown by Christians that they would like to be part of the Christian faith.

Out of 16 million Malays, there could be a few who are attracted to the Christian faith, just as there are many more who are interested in the Shia and Sufi traditions or even turn to worldly pursuits.

After all, the Christian faith started in the Middle East (just like the Islam faith), then spread to Europe and the west, and then came to Asia.

There are still more than 20 million Christians in the Arab countries and another 20 million Christians in Indonesia.

Christians would not be truthful to their faith if they believe that Malays should be "prohibited" from becoming Christians if they choose willingly.

Of course they should not be influenced by unethical or illegal means. Most Christian churches are however aware of the laws in Malaysia which restrict propagation of other religions to Malays.

However this does not prevent them, like all other Malaysians who have the freedom of choice in religion under Article 11(1) of the Constitution.

This was declared in the Supreme Court judgment in 1987 in the case of Joshua Jamalluddin, a Malay who was put in jail under the ISA for becoming a Christian.

In fact, most churches in Malaysia are now fearful of allowing Muslims to receive their social and economic help for fear that their services would be disrupted or banned by the authorities.

Recently in the "soup kitchens" run by some churches to feed the poor, signs are being displayed "for Non-Muslims only"! This would betray the all-inclusive commandment given by our Lord Jesus Christ to love all, even our enemies!

Why was the "blurring of the faces and the use of false names" done in the video shown by Hassan Ali? Has there been any threat from Christians or churches to those who have "decided" to return to Islam?

Were there any threats from Christian families when their spouses or children covert to Islam?

When churches were burnt after the High Court judgment in favour of the Church being allowed to use "Allah" in their publication, did the Christians threaten the country? Even the throwing of pig's head into a mosque was probably done by Muslims.

When Christian "bodies" were being snatched during the funeral mourning, did the Christians run to the streets to protest violently?

When their Bahasa Malaysia Bibles were confiscated for several years, did the Christians threaten with violent action?

All the Christians did were to pray - not only for ourselves but also for the government. Each Sunday, most churches would pray for the welfare and health of our Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, the sultans, the cabinet ministers and menteri besars.

Yes we do pray for God to bestow wisdom on our government to rule the country with justice, freedom and welfare of the people.

We also pray that the love and compassion Christian churches have shown to all who are in need, including Muslims, will not be considered as a threat but as a blessing to the country.

Allow their services be part of the contributions Christians can share towards the betterment of the less fortunate, no matter what race or religion they belong to.

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