Saturday 31 March 2012

Walk the talk, PM, says interfaith group

Mar 31, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 — The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity,
Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has called on Datuk Seri Najib Razak to practice what he preaches after Johor education and religious authorities decided to carry on with today’s seminar for religious schoolteachers on “the threat of Christianisation.”

The interfaith group said in a statement that the prime minister’s 1Malaysia concept for unity and moderation is in “disarray” following news that the Barisan Nasional (BN) administration in Johor will only drop the reference to Christianity in the seminar’s theme but not change its content.

“We implore you to walk your talk. Be the leader of a responsible government that practises what it preaches. Your concept of 1 Malaysia and your call for moderation is all in disarray,” the council said.

News of the seminar’s theme earlier this week drew swift condemnation from non-Muslims, who expressed shock and dismay over the characterisation of Christians in the title.

But Muslim NGOs insisted that the government was duty-bound to address the “threat of Christianisation,” which they repeatedly profess to be real despite the absence of firm evidence.

In response, Johor dropped specific mention of the “Christian threat” from the seminar originally themed “Pemantapan Aqidah, Bahaya Liberalisme dan Pluralism Serta Ancaman Kristianisasi Terhadap Umat Islam. Apa Peranan Guru?” (Strengthening the Faith, the Dangers of Liberalism and Pluralism and the Threat of Christianity towards Muslims. What is the Role of Teachers?).

“The seminar aims to strengthen the faith of Muslims and it does not need to be politicised by any party that claims it (seminar) is a threat to other religions,” Datuk Maulizan Bujang, the state executive councillor for education, was quoted by Bernama Online.

But Johor Mufti Department officials have said that while the title of the seminar, which requires attendance of about 300 teachers, will be changed, the contents and structure will remain unaltered.

“The seminar is part of the right of Muslims to defend the faith of its practitioners from any action which may lead to apostasy. It is our responsibility,” Bernama Online cited an unnamed official as saying.

MCCBCHST added that the seminar has put efforts to increase unity “meaningless.”

“We are shocked that the only voice of the government heard on this matter is that of the minister responsible for Islamic affairs, who is condoning the seminar.

“The irony of the matter is that the same minister serves as one of the advisers to the cabinet committee on the promotion of understanding and harmony among the religions.

Christians form 9.2 per cent of Malaysia’s 28.3 million-strong population.

In recent years, the Christian and Muslim religious communities have been engaged in a tug-of-war over the word “Allah”, with the latter group arguing that its use should be exclusive to them on the grounds that Islam is monotheistic and the word “Allah” denotes the Muslim god.

Christians, however, have argued that “Allah” is an Arabic word that has been used by those of other religious beliefs, including the Jews, in reference to God in many other parts of the world, notably in Arab nations and Indonesia.

Conservative Muslim groups have also accused Christians of attempting to convert Malays, resulting in heightened tension between followers of the two religions.

1 comment:

  1. Ketua M.C.A Gombak YIP KUM FOOK,
    Perkara U buat salah (jahat), tipu wang orang ramai, tipu perempuan dan wang perempuan, makan wang Tokong ……U sekiranya manusia U mesti bertanggongjawab sendiri.

    U menlaporkan kepada Polis. Polis mesti akan guna otaknya menyiasat mana yang betul dan mana yang tipu. Siapa makan cilli padi, siapa akan rasa pedasnya.

    Kalau U Jantan, gunalah nama U sendiri bertekal di Internet, jangan guna nama yang Suci SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KULAU LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, bagi menyembunyikan diri..

    Head of M.C.A Gombak YIP KUM FOOK ,
    U do mistake (crooks), lies of money people, lies of women and money women, eat money Temple, U are human being should be charged with the responsibility themselves.

    U report to police. Police must use his brain will investigate what is right and what is wrong. Anyone eat Cilli Padi, Anyone will feel the spiciness.

    if U males, U use own name against on the Internet, do not use the Holy name of SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KULAU LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, for hide yourself ..

    Head of M.C.A Gombak YIP KUM FOOK ,
    你做邪恶的事,骗公众的钱,骗女人和骗女人的钱,吃寺庙的钱...... 你应该自己负责任。

    你向警方报案。警方一定会使用大脑进行调查,谁是错误, 谁骗人的钱.。谁I吃辣椒,谁会觉得辣。

    你如果是男性,在互联网上使用自己的名辩论,不要使用神圣 SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KULAU LUMPUR, MALAYSIA,的名来隐藏自己..


