Tuesday 27 March 2012

DAP wants Wee to apologise for 'attack' claim

The DAP is going after Deputy Education Minister Wee Ka Siong for an apology to the public and the Chinese community, for misleading them into believing he had been attacked at a rally in Kajang on Sunday.

NONE“Wee should apologise to the rakyat for misleading us with his story,” said Tan Kok Wai (left), the Cheras MP.
The Chinese community and rally organiser should also receive an apology, Tan said, because Wee had diverted the focus of the rally.

Wee, who is also MCA Youth chief, had claimed that he was almost punched during the rally organised by Dong Zong to protest the shortage of teachers in Chinese schools.

Wee, however, has 'forgiven' the alleged assailant and has refused to lodge a police report.

This has caused a furore on the Internet, with netizens accusing Wee of imagining the incident.

Selangor police chief Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah and the rally organisers have since denied that anyone had been assaulted.

Tan said Wee must also apologise to Pakatan Rakyat for levelling the innuendo that the purported assailant was a member of the opposition pact.

“Wee said he was attacked, when he was surrounded by police who formed a defence wall. If Wee was assaulted, the organisers would have been blamed for lax security,” said Tan.

“How can he make such biased, unfounded and vicious remarks?”

'Sign of guilty conscience'

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng  said Wee’s hesitation in making a complaint to the police indicated that he had a “guilty conscience about the baseless allegation”.

NONEOn a separate issue, Lim (centre in photo) demanded that MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek should “furnish evidence” to show that Pakatan, like BN, is "corrupt".

Referring to a report in Chinese newspaper Sin Chew Daily, Lim said that Chua was quoted as saying ‘BN dan PR sama-sama rasuah’ (BN and Pakatan are both corrupt).

“We agree with the first mention, (BN) is corrupt, but I want Chua to show proof that Pakatan is the same,” added Lim.

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