Sunday 11 September 2011

Pope prays for 9/11 victims, condemns hate crimes

September 11, 2011
Pope Benedict waves as he arrives to celebrate a Mass in Ancona's shipyard, September 11, 2011. — Reuters pic
ANCONA, Sept 11 — Pope Benedict XVI today prayed for the victims of the September 11 attacks and appealed to those with grievances to resist the temptation to resort to hate and violence to resolve their problems.

The pope, who also sent a message to US Catholic Church leaders to mark the anniversary, offered prayers for victims and their families during a visit to the Adriatic city of Ancona, where he travelled to close an Italian Church conference.

He called on all people to “always reject violence as a solution to problems and resist the temptation to resort to hate but to work within society (to resolve issues) and be inspired by the principles of solidarity, justice and peace.”

In a letter sent to US Catholic Church officials yesterday, he condemned violence in God’s name but said that 10 years after September 11, the world still had much to do to address the grievances that give rise to acts of terrorism. — Reuters

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