Tuesday 19 July 2011

'Uncle Bersih' alleges nepotism by S'wak CM

Sarawak activist Hii Tiong Huat, who was arrested a fortnight ago for his pro-Bersih 2.0 stunt in Kuala Lumpur, has turned his sights on the state's chief minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud.

NONEHii (left) is questioning the lease of state land to Taib's brother under allegedly murky circumstances that he even he cannot fully trace.

He claimed that the land was the site of a former airfield, and was initially used from 1997 by Sarawak United People Party to set up the United College Sarawak.

Hii said that, in 2004, the land was mysteriously leased out to Esprit Wealth Sdn Bhd in which Taib's brother, Mohammad Tufail Mahmud, is the major stakeholder.

"According to anti-corruption rules, if there is blood relations, then it is considered corruption." he said.

Hii wants an explanation from Taib within a week.

"If Taib does not respond, I will lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC), he added.

The college has since changed hands and has been renamed Kolej Laila Taib (KLT) after Taib's late wife.

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