Tuesday 21 June 2011

S'gor 'professionals' return to PAS lineup

The PAS Selangor 'professionals' have made it back to the liaison committee after being unceremoniously dropped last term in 2008.

Outspoken lawmakers known for their centrist views, including Shah Alam MP Khalid Abd Samad and Hulu Kelang assemblyperson Saari Sungib, have been reinstated in the new lineup, holding the deputy commissioner III and information chief positions respectively.

pkr taman ehsan selayang ceramah 020810 hasan aliThey were previously members of the state committee before the party elections in November 2008, but were dropped when previous state commissioner Hasan Mohamed Ali (right) - who shared a no holds barred approach to espousing his conservative views on Islam - took the helm.

Announcing the lineup in the PAS Selangor headquarters in Shah Alam this morning, newly appointed commissioner Abd Rani Osman - also the Meru assemblyperson - said the two made it back due to 'popular request'.

"I like to use the Kelantan style. I asked all the division chiefs to propose their line up. It turned out that Khalid and Saari had the most requests from all the division chiefs. I don't know. Maybe it's because of their good track record," he said.

Hasan - also the state senior exco member - was still co-opted to become a member of the committee.

"He was a leader who was an icon to me. He has contributed a lot to the party and laid a foundation to PAS Selangor. There were some things from his legacy that was not fully implemented yet, so I also have to appoint some orang lama (veterans) to work with me," said Rani.
Taking a cooperative approach
But hinting a departure from Hasan's style of confronting dissenting views head on, Rani said he was more of a consultative man.

NONE"Whatever issue that we face, whether social (or) religious, we need the cooperation from all sides. If only one party makes a lot of noise and the rest don't want to work together, it doesn't work...I believe in consulting and talking it out. All parties should play a role, and not just one in any issue," he said.

Rani (left) said he learned from previous experiences that, "you have to take in people that you can work with".

"If I don't think there will be co-operation, of course it will not be reflected in the lineup," he said.

He added that, out of all those in the lineup, none of them lobbied for positions or called him asking to be appointed.

"It's a bit weird in PAS. People here prefer not to have positions. If they don't have positions, they will belah kambing (throw a kenduri)," he said.

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