Wednesday 15 June 2011

Minister: 135 left Islam within 2000-2010

KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 — The federal government has allowed 135 to leave Islam between 2000 to 2010, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said today.

A total of 686 applied to Syariah Courts throughout the country to leave Islam in those ten years, said the minister in the Prime Minister’s department.

Specific details however were not provided, only a breakdown of people leaving Islam (apostasy) according to states.

Sabah recorded the highest number of apostasy cases (237, 67 allowed by the government), followed by Negri Sembilan (172, 33 allowed), Federal Territories (56, 10 allowed), Penang (36, 1 allowed).

Sarawak and Terengganu recorded the lowest cases of apostasy cases (1 for each state) while Kelantan had no such applications.

“In tackling the issue of apostasy (people leaving Islam) the state Islamic department (JAIN) always conducts programmes and activities to avoid this incident from occuring especially among new converts.

“Among the programmes offered are counselling services, religious reinforcement classes, religious classes and Baitulmal support,” Jamil (picture) said in a written reply to Er Teck Hwa (Bakri-DAP)today.

Muslims are usually not allowed to leave their faith in Malaysia unless under special circumstances mostly involving converts.

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