Unable to withstand the assault, the 12 state assemblypersons, led by Wong Ho Leng, the member for Bukit Assek, walked out in protest while Jabu was winding-up the debate in the Sarawak state legislative assembly.
DAP Kota Sentosa state assemblyperson Chong Chieng Jen, when asked by reporters, said they were fed-up with Jabu (left) for accusing the DAP of suppressing and oppressing the Dayaks for the umpteenth time.
Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said the DAP members were scared of “facts”.
Jabu's verbal assault of the DAP members was prompted by the accusations by the DAP member for Meradong, Ting Tze Fui, who accused the Dayak leaders of being heartless and uncaring towards their community.
In her speech during the debate on the motion of thanks on the Yang di-Pertua Negeri's opening address, she also accused the Dayak leaders of grabbing native customary rights land from the Dayak land owners.
Spitting out his anger at the DAP members, Jabu said it was the DAP which had oppressed and suppressed the Dayaks by preventing them from participating in the poverty eradication programmes, including participating in the NCR land development.
“It was the DAP members who have no heart for the poor landowners, the majority of whom are Dayaks,” Jabu said.
'Commitment to help the Dayaks'
“I wish to categorically say that the Barisan Nasional government and its leaders, including the Dayak leaders, have the heart, mind, soul and commitment to help the Dayaks and other races to improve their livelihood,” he said.
He accused the DAP of having no sympathies to the sorrows and hardship of the relatives of Dayak soldiers who were killed by the communists during the Malayan Emergency.
“The Dayak people want to know why the DAP does not object to the Malayan Communist Party leader Chin Peng returning to Malaysia, knowing very well that Chin Peng and his men had killed our Dayak soldiers,” he said, adding that 21 Dayak trackers were killed during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s and 1960s.
“The members from the DAP, where are your hearts? The member for Meradong (Ting), where is your heart? You have no sympathetic heart for the Dayaks, but pay lip service only,” he shouted at the seats left empty by the departing DAP members.
Jabu also lashed out at the DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
“I can tell you that the Dayaks now know the DAP's true colours.
“ The Dayaks know that Lim, whom the DAP portrays and admires as a bicycle rider Penang Chief Minister, does not have a sympathetic heart for the Dayaks.
“I want to ask Lim and the Sarawak DAP state assemblypersons this question - how many longhouses has the DAP built in Penang for the Dayaks? None.
“How many Dayak tuai rumah (village headmen) are practising the Dayak adat and customs in Penang? None.
“How well-versed are Lim and the DAP elected representatives in this august House with our Dayak adat and custom? None at all.
“This is the very reason why the DAP cannot and will not be able to penetrate into the Dayak areas,” Jabu said, adding that the Dayaks know the negative attitude of the DAP right from 1996 when it started oppressing and suppressing the Dayaks.
everyone is part of mafia and syndicate.