Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Christian state: Utusan newspersons interviewed

Statements from five Utusan Malaysia journalists have been recorded by police investigating the Malay language daily's May 7 front page report on a conspiracy to turn Malaysia into a Christian state.

In a written reply to Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said 63 police reports were lodged on the matter and 60 statements were recorded in the course of the investigations.

NONELim asked for the status of the investigation into the newspaper's report titled Kristian Agama Rasmi? (Christianity the official religion?), which had riled a lot of feathers.

Utusan had sourced the news from two unsubstantiated postings by pro-Umno bloggers claiming that a gathering in Penang among Christian priests from all over the country discussed an agenda to make Christianity the official religion of the country.

Hishammuddin also said the Home Ministry had issued a letter of reprimand to the national daily as it had "staggered" the people's minds, thereby breaching the provisions under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

"In the meantime, police are conducting a probe under Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act 1948, from every angle, especially on the news reports and the activities during the gathering (in Penang)," he said.

"The police are still detecting several important witnesses to complete the probe."
Christian groups and DAP, which had representatives during the said gathering had denied the reports.

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