Sunday 29 May 2011

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against ..............................

Can you see the game they are playing?

The Chinese Barisan Nasional leaders are telling the Chinese community that if they do not vote MCA then they are not going to have any Chinese representatives in the government.

The Malay Barisan Nasional leaders are telling the Malays that if the Malays do not want to become slaves and second-class citizens in their own country then all Malays must unite under Umno.

The Indian Barisan Nasional leaders are telling the Indian community that…actually I don’t know what the hell MIC is telling the Indian community because I don’t speak Tamil.

Anyway, it’s all about race. And they are even using religious leaders or ustaz and imams to spread the message of hate through sermons and talks. (See here:

And this is not an isolated case mind you. It is happening all over the country, even in the Kamunting Detention Centre (and I should know since I have been there).

In fact, one of the allegations against me, which resulted in my detention, is that I had insulted Islam. And the ‘proof’ that was used against me was my article about the mosques spreading hate sermons.

Barisan Nasional has still not learnt its lesson. Racism no longer works. Okay, maybe a few small-brained people are still gullible enough. But that group is getting smaller and smaller. Malaysians are becoming more internet-savvy and are no longer ‘frogs under a coconut shell’ like in the past. There is an expiry date on racism and that expiry date is getting closer.

When next you go out to vote just remember that:

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against racism.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against religious extremism and manipulation.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against sacrilege against Islam and the abuse of Islam for political gains.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against corruption, mismanagement and abuse of power.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against persecution and discrimination.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against gambling the future of our children and grandchildren.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against corrupt and lying politicians.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against distortion of the truth and manipulation of the media.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against the violation of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against a manipulated and non-independent judiciary.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against the use of all the instruments of government to stifle dissent and opposition.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against a fraudulent, unfair and unclean election.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against the stifling of a civil society.

A vote against Barisan Nasional is a vote against…well, why not you fill in this last one, which I sure many of you are capable of.

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