Sunday 29 May 2011

Transport money for voting also a 'norm'?

''Sagu hati', 'duit transport', 'duit petrol' - whatever you call it - it is still a bribe. Is this how Barisan Nasional justifies it?'

BN rep: We don't pay, they won't vote

Ben Hor: An elected representative from BN has blatantly admitted giving out money for "transportation allowance". No need for investigations?

Well I guess not, since it is already a "norm" as what law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz once said (of Perkasa's racist statements). We should be "mature" enough to understand this and this is not an issue.

On another note, if my memory serves me right, wasn't Nik Aziz Nik Mat investigated for "vote buying" because he gave money to the mosques months ago?

AnakPinang: 'Sagu hati', 'duit transport', 'duit petrol' - whatever you call it - it is still a bribe. Is this how BN justifies it? No wonder corruption is rife in this country when the culture has become so ingrained that one can easily justify taking and giving bribes.

Is this Islam, BN-Umno style?

Malaysians Are Not Stupid: This is another statement reflecting the typical mentality of BN ... twist the facts to justify the ends. Going by the BN assemblyperson's rationale, the government should then reimburse all voters for travelling expenses to vote.

Ghkok: If "coming out to vote" is indeed a problem, then it is a state problem, not a party problem.

The state assembly should pass a law that empowers the state government to pay each voter an amount to go out to vote. This should be totally transparent. The amount should be declared and the payment should be done openly through banks or post offices or through the tuai rumah, etc.

It should be made known that it is taxpayers' money that is paid to enable voters to overcome the difficulties of transportation. It should never be done in secrecy by political parties bringing stacks of cash in the middle of the night.

Tel: I feel sad for those who voted for you, Tamin BN assemblyperson Joseph Mauh Ikeh, or shall I say those whom you paid for to vote for you. Whatever the case, how can you come out and say, "If no money was paid, nobody would come to vote, then who is going to be elected as YB (assemblyperson)?"

Even if it were true, a politician should not say such things - you are admitting guilt.

MySecret: God help us Malaysians. Where are we all heading with these type of representatives. I do not know whether to laugh at the idiocy of his arguments, or cry in despair at his attempt.

MP suspects police link to car theft rings

Loyal Malaysian: It is a proven fact that there was a police syndicate in Johor Bahru some years specialising in disposing stolen cars from Singapore. That there are other thugs in blue syndicates at work with car theft rings shouldn't be a surprise at all. It's just a question of how high up the rot goes.

Sulaiman: Remember why A Kugan died in the first place; now is there any reason not to believe that the police killed him?

Democrat: In my opinion, Kugan was murdered in police lock up for spilling the beans on the syndicate. This is 1Malaysia at work here: Indian runners tow the cars and deliver them to Chinese running the syndicates with Malay police protection.

Of course, the Indians get killed if anything goes wrong, and they get blamed for involvement in crime while the Chinese syndicates and Malay corrupt police officers escape scot-free.

DannyLoHH: Remember the recent outbursts of the top brass of the police force about people deliberately smearing the 'good' name of PDRM? There's really no such need as the police themselves are doing an excellent job in showing us how 'good' they are by their alleged acts of robbing, shooting, stealing and now dealings with stolen cars.

Mt KK: How do you expect our country to have proper law and order enforcement when this enforcement agency is by themselves involved in crime instead of preventing crime? Do not say now that every agency has 'bad apples'. The top leaders must be held responsible and resign.

Mob1900: Bukit Aman will probably say, "Thanks YB Lim Lip Eng for highlighting this flaw with their scheme, they will now proceed to 'plug' this flaw and clean up the mess and make their scheme even better."

Wira: Perkasa will probably turn this into a racial issue and suggest that a Chinese MP is undermining a Malay institution. Case tutup (case closed).

Penan rapes: S'wak ticked off for inaction

Sulaiman: How can the police investigate, when they have no time? They are busy depositing sex videos to the Malays and Chinese and they have to hurry if they want to cover all areas in Malaysia as soon as possible.

Lexicon SimpleSoul: These Penan survivors of rape are not voters. The Penan in Baram have few ICs and most of those who have ICs cannot afford to go to the towns to get registered as voters.

Anak_Malacca: Under Umno-BN rule, Indonesians have more rights than our Orang Asal. If one son of a pendatang Indonesian can be a menteri besar of the country's richest state, what hope is there for the Penans, Dayaks, Ibans, Kadazans, Muruts, Negritos and other smaller tribes?

M'siaKiniFan: This is like reporting a rape case to a serial 'rapist' (of Sarawak's resources).

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