Saturday 14 May 2011

Ops Taibetes to force out Taib kicks off

Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) yesterday launched "Operation Taibetes" - its code name for the Aug 13 showdown with long-serving Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud.

"In this connection, MoCS has scheduled a series of programmes and activities over the next three months in preparation for our all-out-onslaught against this totally corrupt and repressively intolerable chief minister," its leader Francis Siah told reporters.

The operation is aimed at forcing Taib to step down by mobilising people's power.

NONESiah had already sounded his warning of the intention toTaib (right)on May 14 asking him to resign his post within three months or face the MoCS action named after the chief minister,

"Let me assure the authorities that the actions MoCS is planning to take against Taib will be peaceful and non-violent.

"MoCS has been operating openly with nothing to hide over the past nine months since its establishment and we will continue to do so," Siah said.

He pointed out that MoCS is not a clandestine underground movement, adding that when they decide to organise public protest rallies, an announcement will be made it will be announced in the press.

"There is no necessity for the Special Branch to monitor them."

What makes for security threats

He said those who really posed a security threat to the state are the daylight robbers and thieves who steal timber, land and whatever of value they can lay their hands on from the state and people.

NONE"An example is last week's incident at the border town of Tebedu when Bidayuh villagers torched the dormitories, tractors and vehicles of loggers who had encroached on their land, bribing several headmen in the process.

"The people behind those crony companies are real security threats who left the helpless villagers of Tebedu with no choice but to come out with spears and parangs to defend their land, livelihood and rights," Siah said.

He also said that MoCS does not believe that free and fair elections are ever possible in Sarawak.

He said the Barisan Nasional did not win the just concluded State elections, but Taib stole it from the people by misusing the state apparatus, through widespread cheating, money politics and vote-buying, double-voting and the use of strong arm tactics by hiring goons to intimidate voters.

"The gullible and vulnerable rural electorate had fallen prey to Taib's dirty electoral tactics, a trademark of a desperate politician clinging to power," he said.

"How could he not be aware of the growing dissent and opposition against him? How could he not be aware that the people of Sarawak have absolutely no more respect left for him whatsoever?" he asked.

"As Taib so desperately hangs on to power for whatever reasons, the people are also desperate to see his downfall," he said, adding that desperate times call for desperate measures to be undertaken by MoCS so Taib will no longer be the chief minister by August.

Siah explained that the movement has chosen "Taibetes" after the chief minister as the code name because it is a disease synonymous with Sarawak.

Disease that can be flushed

"While diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure, MoCS will help to find the cure for Taibetes.

"Although Taibetes has been plaguing the state for the last 30 years, causing untold suffering to the people, it is, however, curable.

"The will and power of the people is the only cure available for Taibetes. We are the insulin needed to flush Taibetes down the sewers," he said.

"While the cause of diabetes is a mystery, with both genetics and environment appearing to play their roles, there is nothing mysterious about Taibetes," Siah added.

He said Taibetes is an "infectious epidemic" which principally affects the brain.

NONE"Bordering on insanity, it has a firm grip on greed, total selfishness and power abuse. Those suffering from Taibetes lose their normal moral compass in dramatic fashion - their only motive is to continue accelerating the rape and plunder of the state's resources without any care or concern for the people they harm or hurt in the process," Siah added.

He said MoCS will submit a petition to Yang di-Pertuan Agong next month, requesting him to order the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to conduct an investigation on a series of reports lodged against Taib on alleged massive corruption and abuse of power spanning 30 years.

"Since Prime Minister Najib Razak cannot force MACC to conduct the investigation for whatever reasons, we have to turn to the king," he said.

Siah said he himself had submitted a report to MACC and lodged a police report on corruption and abuse of power against Taib.

He said the authorities had not been informed him about the status of the two reports.

Siah said he had nothing personal against Taib as claimed by certain quarters.

"Who am I to be personal against him? I am not interested in politics anymore. After Taib leaves office, I will be retiring to the countryside, possibly to do some small farming and let other people take charge of MoCS," he said.

"But we will try to force him out of power, whether we succeed or not, doesn't matter," he said.

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