Tuesday 17 May 2011

MoCS leader: Cops no cause to arrest me

Francis Siah, leader of the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) defended himself against BN leaders' calls for police to arrest him and his members over his reports lodged on Taib Mahmud, saying he had not broached any sensitive issues.

NONEBN leaders had called the police to initiate investigations against him and a MoCS member Awang Abdillah Awang Nasar, the younger brother of Sarawak speaker Awang Asfia Awang Nasar.

Among those who has made frequent calls for the police to investigate him is senator Idris Buang, a PBB supreme council member.

MoCS, a Sarawak civil society movement, had raised issues concerning the Sarawak CM and issued him an ultimatum for him to step down as chief minister by Aug 13 this year.

“We have never touched on the very sensitive issues of race and religion,” Siah (above) told Malaysiakini.

“It looks like that there are different laws for different sectors of Malaysians,” he said, referring to reports he lodged against Taib with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the police.

“So far, the MACC and the police have been sitting on the reports,” he said.

Told to give statement

Siah said that he received a call from a senior police officer yesterday, asking him to go to the Sarawak police headquarters for his statement to be taken.

“I told him I could not come because I am now in Kota Kinabalu to launch the Sabah chapter of MoCS tomorrow,” he said.

“I will seek legal advice first, before going to the police headquarters, and if I go, I will probably be accompanied by a legal counsel,” he said, adding that he would make a decision once he returns to Kuching.

The Sabah chapter of MoCS is to be headed by Abdul Razak Salam, the nephew of the late Sabah strongman Mustapha Harun.

Siah slammed Idris for constantly asking the police to take action against him.

“Why is he so keen to call on the police to take action against me? Was he not the one to say that Sarawakians were willing to die in the defence of Taib?” he asked.

Ibrahim Ali not spared

Idris Buang has not only gone after MoCS, but Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali as well.

ibrahim ali perkasa press conference 2He said although these two groups have different objectives or agendas their recent unstinting public remarks had the common tendency of stirring the people at large to breach peace.

“Ibrahim (right) had thoughtlessly declared that Perkasa was ready to fight 'any crusade by ungrateful Christians' while Siah had blackmailed Taib to step down on or before Aug 13, contrary to the true meaning of democracy, the rule of law and legitimacy,” Idris told reporters in Kuching yesterday.

Idris condemned Ibrahim for being irresponsible over his fiery statements.

“A Muslim is bound by the Quran and the Sunnah to uphold his integrity in preserving the peace upon which the citizens of all races and creeds depend and co-exist.

NONE“To do anything otherwise is not only contrary to the laws, but a grave sin before God almighty,” he said.

Meanwhile, Idris says appropriate laws should be used to deal with the MoCS leaders, describing the ultimatum to Taib (left) as political blackmail.

“To coerce the chief minister, who has obtained a huge mandate to lead a government, to step down within three months failing which he would be removed by peaceful demonstration, is simply criminal.

He accused Siah and Awang Abdillah of abusing their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and association.

He also accused them of demonising Taib and spreading hatred, contrary to democratic practices.

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