Saturday 23 April 2011

Pray for the churches in China this Easter

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Please pay for the churches, the pastors and our brothers and sisters
in Christ in mainland China this Easter and always.

Beijin, April 23, 2011, The Star.

Leaders of a beleaguered Chinese evangelical church have vowed to
defy authorities and hold outdoor public services on Easter Sunday,
raising the prospect of a confrontation with the police.

The defiant stance of the Shouwang Church, one of Beijing's biggest
unofficial Christian groups, comes amid a severe crackdown on
government critics that has seen scores of people detained, disappeared
or facing charges.

"As Easter is a very important day for us, we must stick to our decision
to worship outdoors, "Senior Pastor Jin Tian Ming said by phone from
his Beijin home, where he has been under house arrest. "If they arrest
our followers, this is the price we are willing to pay," he said.

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