Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bishop deplores latest sex video 'outrage'

Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing denounced as "an inexcusable outrage" the showing on public TV yesterday of a snippet from the sex video allegedly portraying an opposition leader in an encounter with a sex worker.

bishop paul tan chee ingA snippet from the video that has become a cause célèbre since the time of its viewing to a select audience last month was shown on TV3 and uploaded on YouTube yesterday.

In remarks made to Malaysiakini today on the phone from Kuching where he is chairing a conference on migrants and itinerants, Bishop Paul, who is head of the Melaka-Johor diocese and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia, said:

"From the start, a permissive attitude has characterised the attitude of the authorities towards this sordid episode.

"Now that permissiveness has led to this outrage: the showing on public TV to audiences that comprise children and women of material that is vile and putrid.

"This is an inexcusable outrage for which the laxity of the authorities in not acting firmly to nip things in the bud is at grave fault.

"No person of conscience can fail to deplore this permissiveness, this inaction in the face of a puerile voyeurism that has now reached a nadir."

Police told to act swiftly

Bishop Paul Tan called on the authorities to act swiftly to bring the culprits who procured and featured the sex video to book before "evil begets more evil."

NONEHe added: "This permissive attitude, this relativism in the face of evil actions is an obvious contributor to the moral turpitude we see before us.

"Guardians of law and morality cannot afford to equivocate in the face of insolent evil. They must act or society is at grave risk."

The 1.47-minute video shows a woman walking out of the bedroom into a bathroom and a man putting on his clothes in front of the hidden camera after the couple had sex.

Another portion of the 22-minute video, which is believed to be the beginning part of the clip, was uploaded on the Internet on April 4.

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