Tuesday 18 September 2012

The survival theory — Tay Tian Yan

SEPT 18 — “The next general election determines the survival of the Malays.”

What PM Najib said in his hometown Pekan did sound a little alarming, but a little prudent thinking should reveal the fact that things need not always work this way.

The Malays have flourished in this land for thousands of years, and have for at least the past 500 years consolidated their culture and political influences.

For example, Najib’s forefathers were Bugis nobles who sailed across the seas from Celebes to settle in Pekan to become local administrators.

From Pekan to Putrajaya, the family’s history over the past few centuries epitomises the continued expansion and penetration of the power of the Malay race.

Will that age-old forte be obliterated overnight just by an election? Unimaginable, I would say.

Democracy works around the head count, and power is determined through quantitative supremacy. This, coupled with a decisive constitutional shield, should give every Malay peace of mind and allow them to be completely reassured.

Najib’s statement could best be interpreted as an election discourse engineered to create a sense of insecurity among the Malays and divert their ballots in favour of the ruling coalition.
This is, anyway, a badly outdated trick.

In no way will America’s Republican candidate say, “The next presidential election shall determine the survival of White Americans. If you don’t support the Republican or Mitt Romney, the destiny of White Americans will be at stake!”

Such a trick won’t sell among overwhelming majority of White Americans who do not believe their common destiny is in the hands of a single political party, while non-Whites will feel sidelined and alienated.

Of course, this thing is not going to happen any time in the United States; neither is Romney willing to reduce himself or his party to a narrow-minded outfit serving only one particular community. There is no place for such nonsense in pluralistic America.

Similarly, as Malaysia is gearing towards greater openness and diversity, such senseless election discourse will not be allowed to take root.

The survival of a race will not depend on a single political party nor the survival of a political party on a single ethnic group.

This is a political reality. A political ideal.

The survival of a race lies with its own determination and competitiveness. A people who is diligent and strong-willed will thrive anywhere under the sun.

A political party can come and go; none is as indispensable as to entail the survival of the entire community.
Jewish Americans do not need an ethnic party to safeguard their existence. They prosper on their own wisdom and hard work.

The survival of a political party lies with its inclusivity, not exclusivity. A party thrives on its superior policies and administrative capabilities, not its ethnicity.

A normal and progressive country is one where all its peoples will enjoy the prosperity, progress and freedom of that country, something not reserved for any particular community.

As such, political leaders must be magnanimous enough to generously accommodate all peoples. Both the BN and Pakatan Rakyat must position themselves as parties that serve the nation in the interest of all. — MySinchew.com

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