who have dreamt of a bright future in the Federation of Malaysia have
been experiencing nightmares, with promises and pledges and the 18-point
Malaysia Agreement not being fulfilled, Sarawak PKR chairperson Baru
Bian said.
Addressing a large crowd at the inaugural Malaysia do at Chonglin Park in Kuching yesterday, Baur said: "On this momentous day 49 years ago, the four countries, Sarawak and North Borneo, together with Singapore and Malaya, formed the Federation of Malaysia.
was in the firm belief that this federation would be a real partnership
of four countries striving together for their mutual security,
development and prosperity.
"Our forefathers greeted that day with huge dreams and mighty aspirations."
Baru said Sarawak and Sabah being lands rich with oil, timber, gold, fertile lands and a harmonious and hardworking people, had everything to look forward to a brieght future.
The future was brimming with the promise of a federation of vibrant, thriving countries, populated by happy, healthy and secure peoples of various races and ethnicities.
"But after 49 years we ask ourselves:
"Does every citizen benefit from the immense wealth of our country? Does everyone have access to the basic amenities of this modern era such as electricity, clean water and proper healthcare?
"Are our lands and heritage being protected for the future generations? Are our children receiving the best educational opportunities? Are our Sarawakian and Sabahan workers highly skilled and meaningfully employed?"
Why so many are always complaining
Some of the other many questions asked, he said, are whether the dreams of the founding fathers of Malaysia have been realised?
Or, have those dreams turned into nightmares for countless people who call this once ‘fair land' of Sarawak their home?" asked Bian, who is the state assemblyperson for Ba'Kelalan.
He said that was why there were so many people today constantly complaining about ‘barang naik, barang naik' and finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet.
Baru asked: "Why are the Malays of Kampung Sampadi unhappy that the surrounding lands where they ‘cari makan' were included in a lease issued to a company owned by outsiders?
"Why are the Ibans of Melikin (Balai Ringin) still struggling to defend their ancestral lands from the marauding plantation companies?
"Why are the Kayans and Kenyahs of Baram fighting to stop the drowning of their lands by the dam builders?
"Why are the people of Bakun still waiting for compensation for the lands taken from them almost 13 years ago?
"What has happened to our lands, forests, our trees and natural resources?" Bian asked, quoting an Indian proverb that goes, "After our environment is destroyed, after all the trees are cut down, after all the rivers are polluted, after all the fishes are dead, we will realise that money cannot be eaten."
Baru said the dreams of our forefathers of Sarawakians may have been crushed by the ruthless and greedy pretenders who came in the night.
"But we, the people of Sarawak are a resilient people. We now reject the nightmares inflicted upon us by those who have stolen from us. We have begun to revive the dreams that were dreamt for us by those who came before us"
On the Kuching Declaration, Bian said the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat have wholeheartedly consented to honour the Malaysia Agreement that was signed by their forefathers which, up until today, the federal government has preferred to ignore.
"The Pakatan se leaders are here to show their sincerity and their commitment to helping us to realise our dreams.
"Today, the spirit of the Kuching Declaration is ignited and will continue to glow in our hearts as a constant hope and indeed of the promise, of better days to come," Baru added.
Addressing a large crowd at the inaugural Malaysia do at Chonglin Park in Kuching yesterday, Baur said: "On this momentous day 49 years ago, the four countries, Sarawak and North Borneo, together with Singapore and Malaya, formed the Federation of Malaysia.

"Our forefathers greeted that day with huge dreams and mighty aspirations."
Baru said Sarawak and Sabah being lands rich with oil, timber, gold, fertile lands and a harmonious and hardworking people, had everything to look forward to a brieght future.
The future was brimming with the promise of a federation of vibrant, thriving countries, populated by happy, healthy and secure peoples of various races and ethnicities.
"But after 49 years we ask ourselves:
"Does every citizen benefit from the immense wealth of our country? Does everyone have access to the basic amenities of this modern era such as electricity, clean water and proper healthcare?
"Are our lands and heritage being protected for the future generations? Are our children receiving the best educational opportunities? Are our Sarawakian and Sabahan workers highly skilled and meaningfully employed?"
Why so many are always complaining
Some of the other many questions asked, he said, are whether the dreams of the founding fathers of Malaysia have been realised?
Or, have those dreams turned into nightmares for countless people who call this once ‘fair land' of Sarawak their home?" asked Bian, who is the state assemblyperson for Ba'Kelalan.
He said that was why there were so many people today constantly complaining about ‘barang naik, barang naik' and finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet.
Baru asked: "Why are the Malays of Kampung Sampadi unhappy that the surrounding lands where they ‘cari makan' were included in a lease issued to a company owned by outsiders?
"Why are the Ibans of Melikin (Balai Ringin) still struggling to defend their ancestral lands from the marauding plantation companies?

"Why are the people of Bakun still waiting for compensation for the lands taken from them almost 13 years ago?
"What has happened to our lands, forests, our trees and natural resources?" Bian asked, quoting an Indian proverb that goes, "After our environment is destroyed, after all the trees are cut down, after all the rivers are polluted, after all the fishes are dead, we will realise that money cannot be eaten."
Baru said the dreams of our forefathers of Sarawakians may have been crushed by the ruthless and greedy pretenders who came in the night.
"But we, the people of Sarawak are a resilient people. We now reject the nightmares inflicted upon us by those who have stolen from us. We have begun to revive the dreams that were dreamt for us by those who came before us"
On the Kuching Declaration, Bian said the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat have wholeheartedly consented to honour the Malaysia Agreement that was signed by their forefathers which, up until today, the federal government has preferred to ignore.
"The Pakatan se leaders are here to show their sincerity and their commitment to helping us to realise our dreams.
"Today, the spirit of the Kuching Declaration is ignited and will continue to glow in our hearts as a constant hope and indeed of the promise, of better days to come," Baru added.
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