Minutes after Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim ended a
live chat with the public on Google, hackers posted a message on his
blog with an apology to Najib Tun Razak about his 'transgressions'
KUALA LUMPUR: A strange ‘Hari Raya apology message’ from Anwar Ibrahim to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak posted in the former’s blog last night was apparently the work of hackers. The Opposition Leader confirmed today that it did not originate from him.
Anwar, who is PKR de facto leader, this morning clarified on his Twitter account @anwaribrahim, saying:“Puak umno godam blog dan fitnah! (Umno tribe hacked blog and defame!)” when he was asked if the special Hari Raya Aidilfitri message was genuine.
The hacking appears to be the second cyber assault against Anwar, the first being a fake Twitter account and the latest apparently happened soon after Anwar ended a Google Hangout live chat which was broadcast live till 11.30pm last night.
In the fake message, which PKR alleged was posted by anonymous “Umno cybertroopers” attempting to discredit and defame their leader, “Anwar” had wrote that he felt ashamed for his party’s “sinful extremist position chasing after the prime minister’s office to the extent of defaming Najib and the latter’s family”.
“This year, I and my family would like to take this opportunity to apologise – from head to toe – particularly to Najib and Rosmah Mansorwhom I actually know well and am close to,” said “Anwar”, who hailed Najib as the “most suitable leader and administrator for Malaysians”
“I feel that I have sinned because of certain people in my team who have gone overboard in our ambition to pursue positions including the prime ministership, we have slandered Najib and his family”.
“Actually, I have also received wrong information about the Altantuya case. I admit that the information could not be verified,” the fake
message added.
“Anwar” also urged Pakatan to respect the institution of the Prime Minister; adding that it was a position made specially for the Malay Muslims and no other race.
Fake posting
In the fake message, “Anwar” also apologised to Muslims for “going overboard” in his support of Isreal and also the Bersih 3.0 rally, which he said had “damaged national harmony”.
“Anwar” also claimed that he privately did not agree with some of the things he had done but was pressured by non-Muslims partners in Pakatan Rakyat.
Meanwhile, the allegedly defamatory post by anonymous hacker[s] has since been removed from Anwar’s blog.
“The blog administrator team can confirm that the address was fake and was not by Anwar. Therefore we have immediately removed the said posting,” read a clarification on Anwar’s blog.
However, pro-Umno blogs continue to circulate the print screen, with some suggesting that Anwar himself manufactured the hack.
On the blog
A transcript of the fake message read as follows:
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh & Salam Kesejahteraan. Alhamdulillah kita sedang memasuki fasa terakhir bulan puasa di mana kita akan bergembira kerana beroleh kemenangan pada Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Pada tahun ini, saya dan keluarga ingin mengambil kesempatan memohon ampun dan maaf, dari hujung kaki ke hujung rambut, khususnya kepada YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak dan Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur yang saya sebenarnya sangat kenal rapat baik orangnya.
Saya sebenarnya merasa sugul dan berdosa dengan keterlampauan beberapa pihak dalam pasukan kita, di mana dalam usaha kita mengejar kedudukan dan jawatan Perdana Menteri, kita telah jauh pergi hingga memfitnah Datuk Seri Najib dan keluarganya. Saya ingin mengajak rakan-rakan saya dan jentera pakatan supaya membuat perubahan dengan menghormati institusi kePerdana Menterian yang sekian lama kita warisi. Jawatan Perdana Menteri adalah khas untuk orang Melayu dan Islam sahaja, bukannya untuk bangsa lain.
Kepada umat Islam di Malaysia, saya turut ingin memohon maaf atas keterlanjuran saya menyokong Israel tempoh hari. Sesungguhnya saya
tidak mampu untuk menghalang kehadiran mereka dalam hidup saya, maka dalam keterpaksaan saya perlu mengikuti kemahuan, desakan dan asakan bertubi-tubi mereka.
Sebenarnya saya turut mendapat maklumat yang salah berkenaan kes Altantunya. Saya akui maklumat itu belum boleh disahkan. Dalam hal
Bersih 3.0, saya sangat-sangat menyesal kerana melibatkan kerosakan keharmonian negara. Sebenarnya, saya tidak pernah bersetuju secara
peribadi hal-hal yang sedemikian, melainkan desakan rakan-rakan bukan Islam dalam pakatan.
Sebagai Ketua, saya perlu adil kepada semua dan memenuhi segala keinginan mereka walaupun ianya sebenarnya bertentangan dengan kehendak saya. PRU13 akan menjelang tidak berapa lama lagi, sekiranya saya tewas kali ini, saya akan kembali ke Amerika Syarikat dan kembali mengajar di universiti di sana. Kepada rakyat Malaysia, saya akui Datuk Seri Najib adalah seorang pemimpin dan pentadbir yang paling sesuai untuk rakyat Malaysia.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-55 Tahun
Anwar Ibrahim,
Ketua Umum,
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
18 Ogos 2012.
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