Ramli: My men disappointed with tribunal rejection

It is totally inconceivable that our top cops are in cohort with the underworld. The AG (attorney-general) has also been implicated. I believe that there is no smoke without fire. There must be some truth behind Ramli's allegations.
To think that several police officers were victimised because they uncovered something fishy that involved the ex-IGP (inspector-general of police) and the AG, is unacceptable. They were only doing their job.
If the government leadership is sincere and clean, these sort of police-underworld connections would have been exposed without any hesitation.
But unfortunately, the powers-that-be are not clean and for the PM, for reasons known to himself, he chose the dark and dirty path in hiding the truth. What a shame.
Dr Suresh Kumar: It's not for PM Najib Razak to speculate whether or not there is sufficient or insufficient evidence on the matter. This is for those who are qualified in matters of law to decide.
Whether this is a conjecture or not, nobody really knows unless the claim by Ramli is taken seriously by the government, and allow for the tribunal to take place.
Otherwise, right-thinking Malaysians may be inclined to believe that there is an agenda to protect the ex-IGP and the already tainted AG.
Armageddon: Isn't the tribunal objective is to look for evidence? If there are enough evidence which Najib is asking for, we would then only need the court to pass judgment.
Why doesn't the PM leave it to the right authority to decide whether there are enough evidence or not?
Anonymous: Dear Datuk Ramli, the hearts of the rakyat are with you and your men. Fear not, because the day and the hour will come when those who wrought evil would be punished.
Come GE13, we hope all the righteous rakyat of Malaysia will rise and throw out this corrupt government and install a new one - one that is dedicated to fairness and transparency. We will pray for you.
Louis: Najib is talking through his nose. What does he mean by saying that the allegation has to be substantiated when there are top police officers, both retired and serving ones, willing to testify?
Open Minded: This is like a deck of cards - touch one and the rest will fall. The PM has to protect all these people in order to protect himself.
The only way to see justice done is to kick out the whole lot by changing the government.
Then we will see each one pointing the finger at the other and blaming the whole world, while they themselves claim innocence of any wrongdoing and for plundering the country's depleting wealth.
Shanandoah: When senior police officers are willing to testify before a tribunal, what is the PM waiting for? Is he afraid of more revelations being made public? You guess right.
No tribunal for AG, says Najib
Quigonbond: In Umno land, even when confronted with tonnes of evidence, an allegation is just an allegation when it concerns its cronies.
In Umno land, an allegation without any evidence can result in prosecution when it concerns the opposition.
No matter how ignorant or blind the rural folks are in the interiors of Peninsular, Sabah or Sarawak, the sense of outrage against injustice and unfairness is a universal, human trait, that cannot be undone by bare denials.
What goes around will come around, and in an increasingly wired and connected world, sooner than later.
Onyourtoes: Where do you come from, PM? A tribunal can only be set up if there is sufficient evidence? If there is sufficient evidence, you may as well charge the culprits in court.
The individual we are talking about here is the chief prosecutor of the land. If there are doubts and allegations over his propriety, you don't wait for clear evidence - you investigate the allegations immediately.
And what better way to do that than having a tribunal? I am sure the tribunal will be fair and impartial and if he is not guilty of any wrongdoing, this would be the best way for him to clear his name, as well as the credibility of the government.
Imraz Ikhbal: Contrast this matter to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy II charge. Was there even a shred of evidence when Anwar (a 65-year-old man with a back injury) was arrested by 16 armed commandos in balaclavas for alleged sodomy, but charged in court for "consensual" sodomy?
What was the evidence then? Did sodomy complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's police report (which was kept secret) constitute the evidence that Najib is talking about?
To my knowledge, the only evidence the prosecution was hoping to nail Anwar with was through DNA matching, for which the DNA sample that was purportedly retrieved from the Anwar was done only after his arrest.
Practically, the government had nothing on Anwar other than a mere allegation but yet he was arrested and charged for what has turned out to be a frivolous abuse of the courts.
But when it comes to the AG, suddenly and conveniently a different set of criteria applies.
Speaking of evidence, is this not the undeniable, indisputable and most glaring evidence of hypocrisy of the highest order?
Cala: Only in a pseudo-democracy would you able to see a prime minister brushing aside such a serious accusation against a member of the regime.
Najib's reaction to this scandal tells everyone that his intention is to protect AG Abdul Gani Patail (and possibly ex-IGP Musa Hassan).
After all, credibility to a corrupt regime does not mean very much. It is beyond recovery stage.
Anonymous: PM, at least come up with a credible excuse. If there is sufficient evidence, there would be no need for a tribunal and the AG would instead be charged.
One function of the tribunal is to establish if there is sufficient evidence. God save our country when it is led (and I use the term loosely) by such an incompetent coward.
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