The cable, posted online by Wikileaks,
alleged that the federal government and Umno had actively facilitated
the issuance of Malaysian documents to illegal immigrants in exchange
for political support.
The cable went on to claim that a retired senior intelligence official
"frankly admitted" that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed's (right)
administration had "facilitated illegal immigration" from neighbouring
Indonesia and the Philippines to "better balance the state's ethnic and
religious equation".
The retired official allegedly
said that this was a preventive measure to "ward off any future
separatist sentiments in Sabah, in addition to attracting Umno votes
needed to control the state".
"A Royal Commission,
operated properly, would likely expose the depth of Umno and BN's
political corruption and vote manipulation, further inciting Sabahans,"
stated the cable, dated Sept 5, 2008.
politicians and activists have long been demanding that the federal
government fulfil its responsibilities in helping solve this
long-standing issue, with many claiming that it started to get out of
hand during the 1994 state elections when the then opposition PBS was
toppled by the BN after a nine-year rule.
Among the
demands put forward was for a RCI to be formed to probe the root causes
of the state's burgeoning illegal immigrant problem.

Crackdown on illegals 'political band aid'
This was, however, not the first time Dompok (right)
had demanded a RCI, with the cable stating that he had told US embassy
officials back in 2008 that the Royal Commission is needed to find out
who are issuing Malaysian documents to illegal immigrants for any action
to be effective.
Describing the periodic operations
against the illegal migrants in Sabah as "political band aid", the
cable pointed out that Sabahans "see the immigrants being deported as
'low hanging fruit', enabling authorities to demonstrate that they are
'doing something' about it".
The cable also quoted
the then Suhakam vice-chairperson Simon Sipaun, who cited estimates of
around 1.9 million illegals and/or undocumented people living in Sabah,
far higher than the federal government's official estimates of 240,000.
person quoted in the cable, Muhammad Radzi Jamaludin who was principal
assistant secretary in the Foreign Affairs Ministry's Southeast Asia
division, allegedly conceded to US embassy officials that many Filipinos
deported from Sabah returned after just "a couple weeks".
added that some Malaysian women falsely claim Filipino citizenship,
only to announce they are Malaysians upon reaching the Philippines and
that they wanted to stay with their husbands, who were being deported.
Govt accused of 'selective crackdown'
cable concluded that the federal government crackdowns on illegal
immigrants in Sabah have been "selective" and "explicitly avoids raids
on key areas of migrant employment" such as manufacturing, logging, palm
oil plantations and service industries, "which could be forced to
curtail operations without their illegal migrant workers".
local journalist met by US embassy officials allegedly told them that
an earlier damping down "that proved too effective" in detaining illegal
immigrants after local business leaders complained and the police
official who planned the operation was punished and transferred.
consider illegal immigration a major concern, even though important
segments of the state's economy are highly dependent on cheap migrant
"Many view illegal immigrants, especially
Filipino Muslims, as upsetting the political balance in Sabah, whose
native majority is Catholic.
"The lack of enthusiasm
among Sabahans for current illegal immigrant crackdown illustrates the
overall mistrust of the BN government and its peninsular-centric
policies," the cable said.
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