Friday 9 September 2011

Pressure on MACC chief to clarify Ho Hup 'visit'

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed should issue a statement on the graft busting body's "visit" to Ho Hup's Bukit Jalial headquarters two days ago.

NONESocial Care Foundation chairperson Robert Phang said the MACC's quiet role would help allay fears that it will not be intimidated when acting or investigating allegations ofcorruption of a person while acting without fear or favour.

"MACC's Abu Kassim (left) should issue a statement with his pledge that the MACC would not be intimidated or influenced by any person stature and that action would be taken to investigate regardless that the subject or suspect may be a 'big fish' and not just some 'ikan bilis'.

"If only Dato Seri Abu Kassim would make that announcement, that would allay all public cynicism and skepticism. That would assure the public not to worry because MACC is vigilant and alert to allegations that are already circulating in the public domain," he said in a statement.

NONEPhang (right) added that this is the only way that the MACC can regain the rakyat's trust and confidence.

It was reported yesterday that Ho Hup officials admitted the MACC had visited them on Wednesday, contrary to an earlier report which appeared in political blog Malaysia Today, terming it a raid.

The report also carried a denial from Ho Hup officials that documents were taken in the half -hour visit. Allegations in the public domain from Malaysia Today since last month had linked attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail with the construction giant.

This follows claims that Ho Hup had paid for the renovations of Gani's house in Seremban in return for a favour done to one of its former directors. Gani had vehemently denied owning any property there.

Leave of absence advice

Phang in the statement also said it would be commendable for the government and the MACC be transparent in this matter.

"It would be more commendable for all parties if the investigation can be transparent. Already talk is rife that the visit and seizure of Ho Hup's documents are to achieve some other ulterior objective namely to destroy evidence of any misconduct by the AG. That perception is unfortunate," he said.

NONEThus, one way in which Gani (right), the MACC and the government can show transparency in this mater is to ask Gani to go on on leave of absence until the investigations are over, he added. "

"This would sweep away all the dust of suspicion that otherwise would linger on in this matter."

The social activist had resigned as MACC advisory board member when claims surfaced in blogs that he was involved in corrupt practices. To protect the anti-graft body's integrity, Phang quit the committee.

He was eventually cleared by the MACC of the allegations which had surfaced earlier this year.

"I ask AG Gani Patail to be selfless in this and do what I had done when an unfounded allegatione was made against me earlier this year. Then, Gani Patail would earn my respect as a true patriot."

Phang also clarified his earlier statement titled 'AG Gani Patail: MACC must show independence and not impotence' which may have upset certain MACC quarters.

He said it was not to demean the MACC but to challenge, motivate, provoke and fire-up the anti-corruption entity and its officers so they would be vigilant in the fight to stem corruption.

"After all, I still regard myself as part of the MACC support group," he said.

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